A new age a new form of edicate

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
2 min readMar 17, 2018

Have you ever sent someone a tex and never heard back. You sit there or like 10 minutes because you know the other person always has their phone and lets face it like most people cant help reading a new text right away. Yet nothing.

Same thing happens on facebook your friends with what 200 people from all parts of your life and you send a message to them and nothing. You know they are on facebook cause their status is updated. Is this the new form of passive aggressive shunning.

When i was little the one thing i hated most the silent treatment, drove me mad. Now our digital world gives us new ways to silent treatment the hell out of people. What always bothered me about this is usually when this happens I have absolutley no idea what i did or said. I make a point to try not to gossip cause it just gets you in trouble yet once in a while ill drop a line to someone i havent heard from in a bit on facebook and get no reply, ill try again nothing…yet they are posting picutres and updating status.

In this digital age we need a new forum of politeness i mean what happened to being decent polite human beings. And on top of that i wonder if someone is so upset with me that they cant even respond to tell me what i even did why dont they just delete me from their friends list.

Being online give people a whole new world where being rude is just somehow accepted. I mean i wont even get into how gathering friends on facebook is like being the most popular girl in school the more u have the better you are. OR so it goes. Now i dont sit here thinking all night about how person x hasnt returned a message i tend to let the person go and figure if they dont want to tell me about what is bugging them it isnt worth my time. But its the idea that this passive aggressive behavior is accepted that gets me.

I didnt grow up with cyber bulling in high school but i read about and hear about it on the news. What is it about a computer screen that releases all inhabitantions. High shcool was fine for me i dont rememeber it being so bad but now a person can dedicate a whole website to hating someone else and then gather followers i cant imagine.

This wont go away anytime soon but maybe people will realign the way they treat others over that computer screen.

