Be informed an objective timeline of Muellers investigation

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2018

Whether your republican or democrat you cant avoid the big investigation going on in washington headed up by Robert Mueller (former FBI director) regard Trump campaign officials and their ties to Russian interference with the 2016 campaign. If you look online you will get millions of biased opinions and i thought it best to just lay out without opinion a timeline of actual events leading up to and during this investigation. It is good to be informed without actual opinion clouding the event. This is something that will be discussed in your childrens history classes and know the FACTS is crucial. So here is a timeline of factual events that happened without any asumptions or opinions of what may have been discussed or done during the events.

June 16, 2016 Trump annouces his intnent to officially run for president

July 2015 Hackers backed up by the Russian government penetrate the demorcratic national committee network. They steal large amounts of data and actually have access to the network for about a year before being shut out

Jan 2016 Michael Cohen, Trumps laywer, emails Putin concerning plans to build a trump tower in Russia

March 24, 2017 Papadopoulos, one of Trumps foreign policy team, goes to london to be introduced to a woman connected directly with Putin

March 31, 2017 Papadopoulos tells Trump, Jeff Sessions and other campaign officials he can use connections to Russians to arrange a meeting between Trump and Putin

April 2016 Russian ambassador Sergeg Kislyak attends Trumps foreign polcy speech in washington where he meets Trumps son in law Jared Kushner

June 3, 2016 Donald Trump Jr gets email from Rob Goldston saying Moscow supports his father and has connections with Russian government that would provide incriminating evidence against Hilary Clinton

June 2016 Trump Jr, Manafort, Kushner meet with a Russian national at Trump tower. There is still no evidence proving this meeting was about election.

June-July 2016 Wikileaks and Dc leaks release thousands of documents about Clintons and Democratic National Committee

July 25 2016 FBI announces that they are investigating DNC hack

Later July 2016 FBI annouces they have opened a counterintelligence investigations into links between Trump Campaign and Russian Government

September 2016 Sessions meets with Russian official in senate office

October 21 2016 FBI and Justice Dept obtain warrent to monitor trump campaign adviser Carter Page

November 8, 2016 Trump is Elected president

December 29,2016 Obama during last days in office expells 35 Russian diplomats for interferience in election and issues new sanctions

January 2017 Flynn, Trumps national security advisor, lies to FBI about Russian involvement

Febraury 13, 2017 Flynn resigns

March 20, 2017 Comey (FBI director) confirms investigation into any links between Trump campaign and Russian Government and whether there was coordination to interfere with election

Mat 9 2017 Trump fires Comey

May 17 2017 Justice Dept appoints former FBI director Robert Muller to lead specail council investigating ties between Trump campaign and Russian officials and matters that may arise directly from investigation

July 20 2017 Mueller begins investigating Trumps personal and business finances

October 30 2017 Trump campaign assistant Rick Gates surrenders to FBI after being charged with multiple felonies

November 2017 Page tells house intelligence commity that he had told Sessions about contacts with Kremlin officials during election

November 30 2017 Flynn Pleads Guilty to lying to the FBI and enters into a plea agreement with Mueller

Feb 2 2018 Republicans release memo acusing special council of bias and of abusing its authority

Feb 9 2018 Demecrats try to release a rebutle memo but is blocked by the white house

All of these events i put in are FACTs not opinions not theories. More has happend and will continue to happen…stay informed

