Pardon a President….

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
2 min readJun 6, 2018

Well well well I think most people today had to do some research looking through actual legal and constitutional law to see if Trump can indeed pardon himself as he said he could (thank you twitter).

The constitution bar the president (any president) from pardoning themselves. Sorry Sir your going to have to think a little harder on that. But at least he knows now that he doesnt have to save one of his pardons for himself. The constitution will not allow a president to pardon himself to escape removal of office or to avoid an impeachment process.

Now lets remember there are always loop holes on getting away with crimes. Like stepping down from the presidancy and having the incoming Veep pardon him. I mean thats what my mind sort of jumped to. But that would mean Trump would have to step down, himself which would be showing some guilt or possible acknowledgment that there was wrong doing. Lets flip a coin and see if that will ever happen.

So sorry Mr. President the pardon law wasnt made for you to avoid punishment constitutionaly “no one is allowed to be their own Judge” but glad you brought it up made our country look real smart having such a well bread knowledgable president who loves to Tweet more then run the country. Good luck next time .

