Senior Health Care we need to step it up people here is my story

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
2 min readMay 8, 2018

Health care in the country is hard on many levels getting care needed, paying for it, getting a doctor who listens to you, dealing with insurance, getting referrals, medications I mean its crazy. Im in my 30s and used to the stuf i have to personally deal but i have been working with my wife to place her mother in a assisted live or nursing home and i am so appalled.

So first we thought this would be easy my wife bought insurance that is supposed to cover nursy home treatment guess what no homes take most insurance that would cover having someone live there. Not at all. And they want a down payment (cuz the people i talked to at these homes seriously thought i just had this kinda money) of 5000 for the first two weeks. You dont even wanna know what a month costs.

So we decided lets go through the state. We started applying with the state back in december (its may0. To apply htye need to see that the person is not making enough money to pay for a home on their own and that takes 45 days and then they send a med professional to evaluate them. The med professional said sinceshe can shower and microwave a dinner she would qualify unless she was officially diagnosed with dementia.

So we got the diagnosis. Yeah then the state said there are like a millions levels of dementia soshe needs to see a nero doctor (even though her actual doc specailizes with eldering care and dementia). A case worker came by today and thank god she did because now the state was a full psych eval and wants her to be stablized on a treatment whether is be meds or what. And still the odds arent in the favor. The state people raely call us back. The ER is not an option and living with us hasnow become not an option due to dmages and accidents that could have harmed herself and us. So thanks america I feel like there is no real care out there unless you have the 7000 a month to buy your way into a home. So wish us luck we want her to get the best care and the right care we just wish the state would actually help us instead of giving us millions of hurdles and more phone numbers of other pople to call. It makes me sad.

