Should there be creditionals required to be President of the United States

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2018

Now I know i dont try to get political and with this Ill try to keep the nuetral line. Last year when i was applying for jobs in different fields I came against of requirements of experience or a certain college degree to even be considered. And this was for jobs like bookkeeping, different assistant jobs ect and to move up at the job I actually got at the bank your needed experience in the field and a college degree couldnt hurt.

In almost every job field there are requirements whether its a college degree (usually along with an internship) or experience in that field. It the reason we spend thousands on college or wait years for a promotion so we have the exectant amount of experience. Basically to work you need to know what your doing.

Yes its great that in our country anyone cal run for office. You see dentists running for their states house because they beleive in a cause and are able to be heard. But lets look at our office of the commander and chief. This is the person who literally controls our nuclear arms. They appoint supreme court judges and though they cant make any changes they want they can fire people who can and replace them with someone who hold the same view.

This just happened in fact. Im not going into the investagation and wont until the findings are released to us but it is known that Trump would like the investagation to halt and be dismissed. Trump does not have the authority to just stop it but the debutiy director of the FBI does. Despite requests to dismiss the specail councel Andrew Mcabe refused to dismiss it.

Now Trump cant fired the deputy of the FBI but his attorney general sure can and when this happened i think washington felt another shock waive run though it. That feeling like wow he really did it. This example shows that just because the president doesnt have complete decision making power over all he can appoint the people who will agree with him and make those decisions.

The office of the president represents America not just to its citizens but to the world. The president has power to influence and change the economy, foreign relations, the rights of citizens and so much more. Yet we do not require and creditentials or civic experience to run our country. Really what is required is money (elections our expensive). Doesnt this worry you? Yes currently the president has adivsors for economics and foriegn relations but his economic adviser quit because he was not being listened to so whats the point.

I believe that office should require credits that prove a certain understanding of how law and country opperate. Experience that shows work within the political parties, real work showing an understanding of how politics and working with the people within the system work.

I know this may grind some people and Im sorry. But remember when the constitution was written there were only a handful of people running a country a tenth of the size it is now. And all those people spent their life in politics. We live in a different world that is far more complicated. A world where we should wants our president to have a knowledge and experience to be able to run the country.

Im not saying our current president has no knowledge but he has no backround in politics in fact he used to be democratic until realizing it was eassier to get elected through the republican party. Our country is going through a extreme phase that will be remembered in history. Whether you agree with our presidents changes and orders or not one thing that is true is that we are seeing extreme decisions made that will truly change the facets of our country.

