Tell me honestly how do we really invoke real gun control…are we fooling ourselves

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
3 min readMar 19, 2018

This has been a intense and sad year with shooters seemingly becoming more frequent and hostile. So many people have been effected by this violence and people demand a solution. Flordia just recently past more gun control laws…though these new laws dont really change the problem. They raised the age to 21 to buy a gun and made it illegal to turn a regular weapon into a semi automatic. Ok well thats good and fine but if we look at it guns sort like drugs there is always a way to get one.

What makes me angry about the recent flordia shooting is not that this guy had guns…i mean i lived in a small town with no police dept i know alot of people with guns nothing new. But it was that this man posted on u tube a year ago that he was going to become a school shooter and this was even reported to officials yet nothing was done. I dont care who you are if you go online making threats about taking lives you need help and thats where gun control comes in thats when officials should have confiscated this mans firearms.

The internet is a great place where we can connect with people and speak our minds. But if someone goes online talking about killing people shouldnt we take action. I mean thinking we can control guns from getting into peoples hands is honestly crazy. Most shooters get their guns illegally or out of their parents den…somewhere. And the shooters that get them legally have even been on watch lists before but managed to pass the backround test and get a gun. Whats the point of watch lists if there is no action taken to the people on the list. Ok then so you have a list of people wow great good for you so ban those people from buying a gun.

I totally beleive we should ban guns i know many who have them for protection in a town with no police. People in my family own them….my spouce owns them. But none of them have ever gone online saying shifty things about hurting others, they never committed a crime that would be consider a violent crime and they dont leave their guns out on the kitchen table.

People kill people. Some people use guns you pretend in your mind that taking away all the guns will stop sick people from killing others then your fooling yourselves. The man in flordia had warning signs posted all over his social media and nothing was done. We need to focus on warning signs and getting officials to get out to those people assest them and god get rid of their guns.

Again controling guns is like controling drugs its an endless impossible task that we are pretending we will someday control. How about making consiquenses to threatening large groups of people online? Yeah i get it free speech but really if someone says online that they are going to kill other do u really think its ok for them to buy a gun are you ok with that?

