Twiter! Facebook! Medium! Its fast and addicting I never knew!

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
2 min readMar 19, 2018

Ok Ive always had facebook since god college ten some years ago. But I never got into twiter, instagram and what not just because i did have time I didnt have anything against them I just had facebook and what was it.

I recently decided to blog more and well if I am going to write stuff i kinda want some people to read it. So yesterday night i read a blog about getting readers and it told me to join twitter. I thought what the hell why not. And oh my gosh this whole thing is like speed.

Im on twitter for hours trying to figure shit out because unlike facebook i cant seeem to type in a friends name and have them pop up so i joined groups and such. And every second the feed is moving and every moment someone coments on something about you. Both medium and twitter show you stats that show how many people looked at your post that ALONE is crazy addicting. Somehow a friend of mine found me so i know at least one of my followers.

My mind just goes from one site to another along with having the things in their i want to write about. I have no idea on twitter who sees my posts it almost seems like the world does. And since I joined twitter my views on medium have gone up. I honestly dont know if anything i write is worth anything to anyone besides myself but people are reading it. Now i have to figure out how to get them to clap because that seems important. The journey continues.

