Yes Im Going to do it Lets Talk Game of Thrones

Heather C. Meade
A different View
Published in
4 min readMar 17, 2018

Like millions Im a game thrones fanatic. I been reading and watching since HBO aired the first epside. What thought out to be a hero will surpass evil story soon proved more complicated when Ned Stark died, then the red wedding and of course the ceasar like demise of Jon Snow (well he sorta died).

Now rumors and theories are going around as HBO is currently filming its final season (despite the last two books of the series still being put on hold and thought to never be published). So lets go over some theories and where we are at. Finally last season Danny arrived in Westeros with her armies and dragons also gaining support from southern areas like dorn. Of course the war did not start off as we thought it would with such force behind her due to her hand of the queen giving advice that ultimatly cost her alot. But she got back eventually riding her dragons burning Jamies army down.

But thats not what we want to talk about Danny also meet Jon Snow thing king of the north. And through the entire season sparks fly but not too fast Jons mission is different from Dannys as he has seen the army of the dead and prepares to save man instead of try to rule the iron throne. Of course everyone in the south finds it hard to believe that an army of the dead is comng instead the whole idea is a myth from years ago.

So lets jump to end season Danny sees this army, Jon bends the knee and the two fall into each others arms. While we see this we learn from Bran Stark (three eyed raven) that Jon Snow is actually a Targaryan and Danny is his aunt which shouldnt disgust us too much since Jamie and Cersie have been tother (being brother and sister) since episode one. But this does mean that its Jon who is the rightful ruler to sit on the iron throne, though is yearn to rule seems lackless and one cant really imagine him fighting for that throne especailly with Danny.

Despite the obvious conflict this will bring since no romance on this show is normal rumors surge of either Danny or Jons death. Also the rumor of Danny finally getting pregnant again (with that comes the thought of death during child birth). I know in our world the whole aunt cousin thing would actuallly be a problem but in this world i think the bigger problem will lie with Danny finding out Jon is the true King.

Of course Bran could shut up and let things unfold but we know he wont and then sparks the big rumor of Bran. That he is truly the night king a mistake he make trying to go back in time ot prevent the creation of the white walkers and getting stuck. Its cofusing but actually possible since its always been said the night king is a Stark.

And lets address that army of dead. They crossed the wall and winterfell is in it direct path and recent videos from the winterfell set show the whole thing in flames. Thing dont look good for the north.

But the great thing about this show/book series is whatever we think couldnt happen does. No main charecter is safe and now with this final season death is looming for many. Its these twists that evil seems to win almost more then good that keeps us hooked. Plus that giant zombie army knowbody really knows about heading south. Finally all of these charecters from each region are actually conected Danny met Cersie. Cersie not only took kings landing but again got pregnant with her brother child. Yet in the end she seemed to push away all close to her including the father of her child.

Let admit we are all kind of hoping cersie finds her end finally. Yet by whome is the big question. I think the ending is going to be happily ever after. I think we are going to lose charecters that we thought would make it to the end. I dont think love will win out because the real threat is death and that will trump love. Poor Danny and Snow. 2019 seems so long to wait but until then the interet will buz with theories, spoilers and rumors. But the only thing Thats for sure is we should expect the unexpected.

