Plutonian Publication
4 min readJun 27, 2023

1. There are many things more precious than money

In our society, it’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that money is the ultimate measure of success and happiness. However, the truth is that money is transient, just like most things in life. It comes and goes, and its value alone cannot bring lasting fulfillment. There are things far more valuable than money, and we should prioritize them. Let’s explore a few:


- Experiences

Life is a collection of moments and experiences. It’s the memories we create, the adventures we embark on, and the lessons we learn along the way that truly enrich our lives. While money can provide opportunities for experiences, it’s the actual moments we cherish, not the material possessions.

- Genuine connections

Human beings are social creatures, and deep, meaningful connections with others bring immense joy and fulfillment. True friendships, loving relationships, and supportive communities are invaluable. No amount of money can replace the warmth and love shared among people who genuinely care for one another.

- A feeling of purpose

Having a sense of purpose gives our lives meaning and direction. It’s the feeling that we are contributing to something greater than ourselves, making a positive impact in the world. Money alone cannot provide this sense of purpose; it’s something we discover through our passions, values, and meaningful work.

- Genuine concern for helping others

Acts of kindness and compassion towards others have a profound impact on our own happiness. The ability to help those in need, to make a difference in someone’s life, is priceless. It’s about the joy of giving, of extending a helping hand, and fostering a sense of community.

As Eddie Jaku wisely said, “there are many things in this world that no amount of money will buy you, and some things are priceless beyond measure.”

2. Weakness can be turned into hatred

Emotional intelligence and a strong sense of self are crucial in navigating the complexities of life. Weakness, on the other hand, often leads to vulnerability and susceptibility to manipulation. When individuals lack a solid foundation of values and convictions, they can be easily swayed towards hatred.

History has shown us the devastating consequences of allowing hatred to consume our minds. The Holocaust, for example, could have been prevented if more people had stood up against the atrocities committed. As Eddie Jaku observed, their weakness allowed them to be manipulated into hatred.

3. Tomorrow will come if you survive. One step at a time.

During challenging times, it’s easy to lose hope and feel overwhelmed. However, it’s essential to remember that tomorrow will come if we have the resilience to persevere. Life is a journey, and progress is made one step at a time.

As the saying goes, “the closer you get to something, the blurrier it gets.” While obstacles may obscure our path, it’s crucial to maintain a well-rounded perspective, staying focused on the bigger picture. Difficulties are temporary, and with determination, we can overcome them.

4. You can find kindness everywhere, even from strangers

In a world that often feels disconnected and isolated, it’s important to remember that kindness exists everywhere, even from strangers. Taking a moment to step out of our own world and open ourselves up to others can reveal the genuine compassion that humanity has to offer.

Unfortunately, many people struggle to freely express themselves and share their lives and issues. However, realizing that we are not alone and that there are individuals willing to assist us if we allow ourselves to be vulnerable is empowering.

5. One good friend

The impact of love and friendship should never be underestimated. As Eddie Jaku reminds us, “the greatest thing you will ever do is be loved by another person.” Having someone who truly cares for us, supports us, and reminds us of the beauty of life is invaluable.

Especially for young people, friendship plays a vital role. Without genuine connections, a human being can feel lost. A friend is someone who uplifts us, encourages us, and helps us embrace the essence of being alive.

6. Education is a lifesaver

When we speak of education, we’re not solely referring to formal education within the confines of a classroom. While formal education offers great opportunities, life education is equally, if not more, critical. It encompasses understanding the laws of human nature, embracing different worldviews, and mastering the art of effective communication.

By continuously learning and growing, we become self-sufficient individuals capable of creating a fulfilling life for ourselves. Change is possible, and while we may not have the power to change the entire world, we can transform ourselves through discipline and a commitment to personal growth.

In conclusion, the lessons from the happiest man on Earth, Eddie Jaku, provide invaluable insights into living a fulfilling life. By recognizing that there are things more precious than money, understanding the dangers of weakness turning into hatred, embracing perseverance, kindness, and friendship, and valuing education, we can strive towards a happier and more meaningful existence.

Remember, true happiness cannot be solely measured by wealth but by the depth of our connections, the impact we make, and the wisdom we acquire along the way.



Plutonian Publication

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