Manjot A.
Plutonian Publication
2 min readMay 31, 2020


Photo by Ashley Rich on Unsplash.

From being a caterpillar who’s suffocating in the cocoon of pain; to transforming into a breathtakingly, magnificent butterfly;

From cursing the Universe every minute to becoming more spiritual;

From wallowing in my codependency to becoming free of
anger, frustration, and self-hate;

have come
a long way.

My life took a 180-degree turn, only when I bumped into a long-lost friend — Ms Strength.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash.

Ms S, unlike chaos, seemed to know me fully well.

It felt calm, didn't make small talk, and neither bugged me with unwanted
thoughts -
‘hey, you are being too much!’
‘Stop being a victim.’
‘you are overreacting.’
‘hey, hey, hey’

But instead, It was wrapped in the pristine muslin cloth,
which reminded me of my mother’s soft caress.

It felt soft, sophisticated, and subtle.

Strength slowly meandered through the dingy corners of pain, misery, and worthlessness and sprinkled the lanes with magic, sparkle and love.

It, truly, repaired me — and let Ms S. help you, as well.

It will feel as uncomfortable as standing in the scorching sun.

You will have to wait — for yourself.

But, she promises for It to be worth it.



Manjot A.
Plutonian Publication

when the going gets tough grab a cup of coffee and lift your sword - to write.