Going Solo for Building the Full Stack Engineering Curriculum

Rajesh Pillai
Unlearning Labs
Published in
3 min readJun 2, 2019
Of-course along with community support

After a long hiatus and active consideration, I have decided to take a partial break to complete the Full Stack Engineering Curriculum outlined below.


Now, to do this with the active workload is quite difficult and the only way to fulfill this is to take some active work time and devote to this effort.

So, as of today, I have decided to start spending 25% of my consulting time for the full stack curriculum creation and slowly this will be increased to 50%.

For community support, I have created a patreon account (am still working on the goals and levels but early supporters will get all current udemy courses free).

As an immediate acknowledgment to your support on patreon, you will get access to all my current 3 udemy courses for free.

If you have already subscribed to my current courses, then all future courses will be freely available and early access to upcoming content will be made available to patrons.

Once the curriculum reaches 80% completion then all materials will be open sourced for the general public.

Due credits will be given to all the patrons.

My plan of action for the next 6 months.

  • Starting the recording for “Node.JS Master Class: Build Your Own Express.JS from scratch” (15 June 2019)
  • Updates to “JavaScript Master Class: Build Your Own ReactJS” Add features for context API, hooks. (15 July 2019)
  • Updates to “Learn JavaScript Step By Step” (15th June 2019)
  • Building a dedicated blog/website for the full stack curriculum where are the text-related content can be organized and categorized.
  • Create in-depth articles on nodejs, javascript, react and angular (more details will come shortly as the progress happens in the above goals. (* Current and active task)
  • Planning a setup of a virtual support system for newbies in the field of software engineering.

Course / Tutorial ideas for future

  • JavaScript Library development
  • Build Your Own API Proxy (like grpc)
  • Build a remote clipboard application, nodejs, socket.
  • Build a multiplayer game, nodejs, javascript, socket.
  • Real world microservices with full stack application
  • Mastering JavaScript by Coding a Mind Mapping tool from scratch
  • etc.

Modus Operandi

Before publishing video courses, content in the form of articles/ebooks will be made available free to all patrons.

So, in case you feel like supporting head over to my patreon account. Even if you are unable to support don’t worry, your community engagement, support on the youtube channel, Twitter is a sufficient help.

I will create a detailed timeline after a couple of weeks of activity to gauge the level of progress and thereby plan future efforts towards the vision.

I will hire an assistant over a period of time to help in this vision. (of course, the assistant needs to be paid as well)

All updates for this will happen in this story until a dedicated blog/website is created.

Thanks and have a wonderful time!

NOTE: I will still be consulting/managing 50% of my time for my startup work as I want to map real-world experience for the full stack engineering curriculum.

You can reach me on

Twitter: https://twitter.com/rajeshpillai
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/user/tekacademylabs
Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/unlearninglabs


  • 03-June-2019 — Editing and added contact details
  • 02-June-2019 — Created this post



Rajesh Pillai
Unlearning Labs

Co-Founder, Software Engineer and CTO @Algorisys Technologies - Building Products and Upskilling upcoming generations