A Dialogue across Differences

Pranav Sridhar
Published in
2 min readAug 12, 2017

Hi There! My name is Pranav! I am a curious Indian who seeks to understand why the world is the way it is and identify novel ways to make it a better place for as many people as possible. Having studied in three countries and worked alongside professionals from different socio-economic, ethnic, racial, and religious backgrounds, I recognize that people around the world, have very different views on what a “better” world really is. But does that necessarily mean, we cannot make collective progress?

In order for individuals to build a thriving collective, there needs to be a vocabulary for conversation. And this vocabulary goes far beyond linguistic prowess. Global citizens who are engaged in solving some of world’s most pressing challenges, need to understand and empathize with one another to develop and implement effective solutions. This is why I believe UNLEASH 2017 has the potential to be a transformational experience. Bringing together a 1000 passionate individuals to brainstorm innovative solutions to the world’s critical challenges, the UNLEASH lab offers each and every one of us the opportunity to hone our empathy vocabulary — to initiate conversations that could have a positive ripple effect around the world.

Over the past year, I have had the opportunity to envision a technology-enabled primary health care service for rural India while also building a sustainable delivery model for a novel vermifiltration-toilet in remote areas. Observing the day-to-day struggles of my fellow citizens when trying to access basic healthcare and sanitation services, has compelled me to question the rampant inequality that exists around us and ideate solutions to bridge existing gaps. At UNLEASH 2017, I seek to engage with my peers from around the world, to understand how they have overcome challenges that I still encounter and perhaps learn of challenges I did not know existed. I am confident that through the interactive brainstorms and with active guidance from our mentors, we will proceed with renewed passion to make the world a better place.

