Lise Bomholt Højgaard
Published in
2 min readAug 4, 2017


Expectations before starting my journey to unleash the potential of the SDGs

It is very exciting to get the opportunity to work on the most important challenges and opportunity of this century! As I am daily working in a small start-up in Denmark on the pressing issues of handling waste and producing energy at the same time — I am excited to share my insights and get inspired by other like-minded young professionals at the UNLEASH Innovation Lab in my home country this August.

I have an academic background in Biotech engineering and professional background in a clean-tech start-up. I therefore hope to be able to combine my engineering background and problem-solving approach with my insights in biology-based technology. I can’t imagine any other way of using my summer vacation than addressing the SDGs with interesting people from around the world and working with challenges effecting millions of people.

As an environmentalist and philanthropist, I have a great desire to make a real difference in the world — towards a sustainable world with a ‘People — planet — profit’ triple bottom line. Working towards a better world is what gets me up in the morning and keeps me going then things get tough. I therefore hope to be inspired and inspire others doing UNLEASH and hopefully participate in fruitful workshops and group work, which will result in tangible solutions which can be further developed or brought to life right away.

I believe in a circular economy mindset regarding reuse, re-purpose and recycle the planets resources in a beautiful synergy. I hope to work with issues related to utilizing waste materials to energy or utilize others kind of problematic waste streams to new products or services.

I believe the possibilities are endless when a diverse, intercultural and interdisciplinary group of resourceful people come together to engage in problem solving to develop holistic solutions to tackle the world’s most intractable problems. I am therefore very hopeful going into this exciting time.

