Journey towards soft tech and sustainable world!!

Sonali Patil
Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2017

My father worked from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. My brother worked from 9.30 to 5. Now I am working from 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Annual monetary earnings jumped 10 times in each generation. My earnings are 100 times the amount my father was earning but there is no significant change in the house, the food and the necessities of living happily. Yes; entertainment gadgets and facilities for joy-travelling have increased but the time and leisure to use them is hardly any. Peace of mind is deteriorating day-by-day. What will be my son’s/daughters working hours, leisure and the environment around them? We strive to provide good education, property, bank balance, etc to our next generation for them to live better life. But will our efforts serve the purpose if this trend continues?

THIS ARTICLE IS(FOR WHOM) For them who wish to share ideas on the laws of nature that govern cost-benefit of technology. (Cost is ‘efforts we make & harm we bear’ for whatever benefits we enjoy.) Not for them really, who are happy with the current economic theory and technology practice. And have confidence in self or faith in (…) for their happiness in the future too. I wish them good luck.

To evaluate “intense or hard use of technology (hard-tech)” for “sustenance of joyous and leisurely life” vis-à-vis the laws of nature (their knowledge is called science). And Explore “low (effort and harm) cost technology (soft-tech)” for “sustenance of joyous and leisurely life” in tune with the laws of nature. Today, almost our all necessities are through hard-tech and all of them have a monetary price (only ambient air is currently free). Currently we are bowed down by work-load, OK , but will this work get over any time? Monetary cost of living is increasing continuously and we can not decide how much money earned will be sufficient for our generation and our perceivable future generation to maintain our expected social dignity. So we and our next generation keep slogging endlessly. This is (no greed) a genuine necessity.

Hard-tech creates employments and what do we do there? We address problems created by employments again by hard-tech and create new problems and generate more employment — a multiplier effect. Main-stream population thus keeps growing. Hard-Tech pollutes water. But the remedy, production of bottled-water, causes more pollution. This is true, in sense, for most industrial activities.

We hear lot about scientists, their great inventions, discoveries, theories, etc. But, can their work ever provide us a self-evolving, auto-maintaining and no-side-effect machine or a robot (almost a super-human) leaving us and our future generations to a secured (including from most natural calamities), comfortable, joyous and leisurely life (lest scientists’ and technologists’ great work serves mostly, only as an entertainment). Puzzled by the discrepancy between the expectations and the reality, I traced…( Thanks to UNLEASH they call us Talents not scientists’) I have no intention of offending any individual or any society. My apology in case…

MY STUDY: World over, many thinkers e.g. Henry David Thoreau and Mohandas K Gandhi have objected to hard-tech development theories that do not (assuming they will never) address human life’s true essential needs. Is there any scientific sanctity to their assumption? Economy is about goods and services i.e. matter and energy. Technology also deals with matter and energy. Physical phenomena in nature (we use for our purpose by technology) are explained by science. Hence I revisited science — matter, energy and the universal laws of nature to understand fallacy & discrepancy as regard to technology and economy.

