My little self to becoming unleash talent

Danjuma Mohammed Haruna
Published in
2 min readJul 21, 2017

Mohammed Danjuma, Haruna, I am from Nigeria, a 2002 winner of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, National Essay Competition, an economist, a Sustainable Development Practioner, youth development expert, Environmentalist, Climate Change activist, trainer and youth activist; I have been working with youths in Nigeria and other several local communities in Nigeria for over eleven years. I have lead several youth initiatives as a volunteer coordinator, been part of various civil society organizations especially in bringing to the fore challenges faced by communities across Nigeria. I was a trainer and coordinator-Kogi state of TakingITglobal, Creating Local Connections West Africa with specialties in ICT basics, ICT+Enterprenurship and ICT+Leadership training skills. I have trained and built the capacity of at least 1300 youths across my community. While mentoring young people I also engage them in area of good governance, climate change advocacy, agriculture, health and MDGs (now SDGs).

I was part of the MDGs process in Nigeria both in implementation tracking, evaluation and several consultations on the MDGs. In Nigeria I am a member of Campaign 2015+, CSO Partnership for Development Effectiveness (CPDE) Nigeria, part of my state SDGs stakeholders group. I have attended consultations on SDGs in Nigeria and across Africa. I was also involved in the post-2015 Development agenda, both online and offline consultations with several organizations.

My focus area on SDGs are 1, 2, 4, 6, 11 and 13 and I am so passionate to see real and practical achievement of these goals and other SDGs, even though I have been engaging on these goals, I would be happy to engage more at UNLEASH2017 form partnership, get funding support for implementing my projects around success of SDGs not only in Nigeria, but across Africa.

Read more about me here:

My facebook profile:

Twitter: @danjay1

Skype: mohammedjamiu1

My visit to a local community in Nigerian capital city

