
Sebastian S. Sudergaard Schmidt
Published in
2 min readAug 10, 2017


My name is Sebastian and I’m a Danish medical student, writer and lecturer who strives to do as much good as possible.

I’m humbled by the honor of participating in UNLEASH — a massive innovation hub seeking to find solutions for some of the most pressing problems of our time. Specifically, we’ll strive towards addressing the UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals (1). Although, all the goals are immensely important and interrelated, I’ve chosen to hone in on #3 — HEALTH.

Health is one of the most crucial factors for the quality and quantity of our lives. Unfortunately, diseases and our current way of living place an immense burden on all societies of our planet — both poor and affluent.
Especially, among the poorest of nations the burden of disease is pronounced. Thus, when I think of the vast amount of suffering that could be prevented, I feel a strong urge to seize that opportunity of doing good. To mention one of those opportunities — every 20 seconds a child dies from a vaccine-preventable disease (2). Other major opportunities include improving access to healthcare, mental health, non-communicable diseases and reproductive health.
Fortunately, we´ve shown that we´re able to cease these opportunities of averting suffering and increasing our health! Just in recent years we’ve prevented around 20 million deaths with measles vaccines and almost halved the maternal mortality, globally (3, 4)!
No one should die a preventable death because of who or where they are.

I hope to contribute with my medical knowledge, my passion for propagating knowledge, organizational tendencies, penchant for meeting new people, and open-mindedness! In other words, I hope to facilitate a constructive co-creational environment while proof-reading ideas and organizing our key concepts.
I hope to gain invaluable insights, motivation, constructive feedback, an innovative mindset and, perhaps most of all, friendships. Expressed differently, I wish to absorb as much amazingness as possible.
Ultimately, I hope that we’ll value the utility of evidence and reason and thus maximizing our impact by combining empathy with evidence.

I’d like to end on this, perhaps pretentious, note. Let us translate the frontier of science and technology into action through entrepreneurship and thus change the world (as much as we can)!

Btw, here’s a generic tourist picture of my country — Denmark

