Singapore 2018


Mfontoh Blaise


Our life is a journey that ends. The least we can do is use it to make the world a sustainable ecosystem, fit to continue in a better shaped manner when we leave. I believe this is the power and believe system that can disrupt the global ecosystem when 1000 diverse talents of caliber meet under one canopy with a single goal to bring lasting global solutions via transformative ideas.

Two years ago we understood a story and learned of the news. It was the news of a time anticipated, where the world would welcome the ninth billion person on planet earth. With poor and dwindling agricultural productivity due to many and varied factors coupled with minimal presence of young bloods in the sector and more, we feared the world won’t make it out of 2050 easily for people may progress than their accessible and available resources. We had fears on so many things so we set out on a journey in a ship called THINKFAST BC.

Our destination to make the world capable of “feeding 2050” mirrored in ZERO HUNGER and NO POVERTY was accomplishment to us.

Food security

It was a dream we knew was bigger than us but we believed the least we could do was make the world a sustainable ecosystem fit to continue in a better shaped manner when we leave.

Today, we have discovered an army of one thousand, to cluster at one place from all over the world, with same mindset and vision with diverse missions. Our journey once solo has become of journey of 1000 minds, ideas and a determined “army” to unleash a future of sustainability.

Our message to the world is we are READY TO UNLEASH come May 30TH.

