Published in
3 min readJul 31, 2017


Rethinking Good Health and Wellbeing

Health as defined by the World Health Organisation is “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity.”

Sustainabilty Forum , 2016 (Ghana)

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goal 3 seeks to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all. This is one of the 17 Global Goals that make up the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. An integrated approach is crucial for progress across the multiple goals.

The DietCare Ghana Story

With the advent of technology, we have moved from the industrial age to the information age.In my everyday life as a dietetics student I was faced with a lot of questions regarding healthy eating and other health issues from family and friends.There are some questions that I once thought the individual would just check it up online and get the needed answer.I came to the realization that amidst the plethora of nutrition and health information on the internet, people still want to get an expert thought on any health related dilemma, most especially that which has to do with nutrition and diet.

It is with no shred of doubt that “The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and in the cause and prevention of disease.” ..Albert Einstein.

Obesity is on the rise ,the records of type II diabetes among young people is alarming . Even though there are constellation of healthy foods available around us, somehow the link between good food and health is missing.
Our lifestyle is getting worse by the day due to nutritional transition and sedentary lifestyle in this era of technology.

Many young people now want to eat healthy ,exercise often and get informed about their health. We are the generation that have more friends online that we have not met, share our weight loss journey on instagram and tweet our fitbit distance covered on twitter. We are always online.

What we do at DietCare Ghana

DietCare Ghana is with the unique purpose of demystifying the dieting mentality of the public and also helping people to differentiate fact from fiction.We are on a journey to help individuals achieve their health goals by empowering them with information and by actively participating in their own healthcare.We do this by focusing on small and incremental changes that has a long term transformational impact on our health.We currently do this by writing blog post,articles in magazines and newspapers and also engaging our audience through speaking engagements. We believe for one to make a choice to live healthy ,they need to be empowered and that is exactly what seek to achieve with DietCare Ghana.We started this with a blog, facebook page and an instagram page to update our followers with nutrition information.We are basically about leveraging the use of technology to promote nutrition and wellness.

Despite the transitions and challenges involved with entering the world of remote healthcare, telenutrition is a very exciting emerging field that can offer numerous benefits to clients and practitioners.


We look forward to explore areas that has to do with Telenutrition in order to meet the needs of busy professionals , people who cannot meet a dietitian in person and also as a way to reach people in rural areas when it comes to community nutrition and outreach. At UNLEASH I look forward to connect with people with interest in telehealth, Informatics and Nutrition &Wellness.

It is with great pleasure to be selected as a member in the Founding Class of UNLEASH, a global innovation lab of the Sustainable Development Goals.

Let’s connect on facebook , twitter or linkedin email

