Sustainable Gang

Taye Balogun
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2017

I began reading many books, watching history channel, and start to question everything around me. I suddenly become anti-social. I withdrew from many of my routine, I was constantly reminsceing. I wanted to know more than I’ve been thought.

This critical-thinking process started just when i fell out with few friends. I was depressed. However, it was just what I needed, a blessing in disguise. Within two months, an unapologetically pan African was born. I felt liberated, I became brand new.

I started by changing myself. The places I hang out, the friends I bring around, the type of discussion I engaged in, my words became a vow, my looks became my brand, I chose everything around me. My spirituality gained momemtum. While reading about few revolutionaries biography, I noticed we shared certain things in common, especially a particular word that kept on coming ‘Consciousness’.

My first conscious project was titled ‘Why Africans Are Not United?’. Underneath my subject were many sub-themes like: Education, Aid, Corruption, Justice e.t.c The African leaders have failed the young people of the continent and there is a need to wake up these souls. A continent enriched with many mineral and Human Resources found herself without no vision of whatsoever. Why do we even still struggle to feed our brains or stomach?

This photography installation opening gathered many diplomats, youths, civil society organisations, activists, and pan Africanists. The power of ART cannot be undermine in development. My medium of communication was art, yet it spoke louder than some of our leaders during the AU (African Union) Summit or the UN (United Nations) general Assembly.

A gentleman man approached me during one of my exhibitions in Kenya or Tanzania I can’t remember. He gently asked ‘how much is this piece, I really like it, would like to buy if it’s within my budget?’ I replied, what exactly do you like about the image? ‘The powerful message’ he said. I smiled. I told him you already bought it, since you understand the message.

‘Show me a policy maker who changed his/her nation, and I will name 100 Artists who impacted the world.’ — Taye Balogun

After this successful project, I started speaking in Universities, forums, community centres, social gatherings and all. My mission was to find or recruit fellow change-makers to embark on this journey — a revolutionary road. As a Filmmaker, I had dedicated my storytelling abilities strictly for content that drives developement and change attitude. Am not here to entertain you.

I have then led many pan African/international campaigns on social justice, human rights, gender equality, poverty, peace & security, climate change, and most importantly, girl/child education. I am the campaigns and policy person for (; I coordinate the Horn of Africa Network on Control Arms (; I am the director of media and campaigns (; and I also teach young people on films for development. Education in classrooms are becoming outdated, there is a growing need to expand our learning spaces to make it more accessible and inclusive. Education should be for ALL.

I therefore look forward to meeting, sharing, learning and collarborating with the Unleash SDG Talents — I call them SUSTAINABLE GANG. Every Gang has a purpose, our purpose is to go ahead and collectively resolve, and achieve world’s biggest goals.

My latest film, Music Is Our Weapon (2016) focuses on how Art education can take alot of children away from the street, empower them, give them a voice/tool to challenge and change the world for a better place. Everyone loves Art, everyone has the ability to become a change-maker. Yes we can!

