Announcing: Major Unleash live Product Update — V 2.0

Unleash live
Unleash live Publications
3 min readApr 11, 2019

Our new Unleash live Release Yerba Buena (v2.0) has just arrived. We dedicate this release to the view from our new office in San Francisco, where the team spent late nights putting the finishing touches for this major release. Enjoy the result!

This is a significant product update, culminating in the biggest overhaul to our experience on laptop, tablet, and mobile to date. We’ve listened extensively to client feedback on usability improvements and delivered on major feature requests and improved stability and speed capabilities.

In fact, we’ve bundled so much into this release that we’ll be following up with a number of articles on key new features and what it means for our clients.

In the meantime, take it for a spin at

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Here is the detailed rundown:

Raw and A.I. Live Streaming:

  • HD live video streaming latency decreased by another 20%. making it the fastest in it’s category
  • More than a dozen A.I. models available for live stream analytics

A.I. Apps Store:

  • Our first release of a full suite of A.I. Apps, ready to be inserted into your live streams for real time analysis
  • Several new A.I. inference models from various 3rd party developers available for testing in connected HD live streams
  • A.I. developer sandbox features updated

Secure Library:

  • Complete overall and usability improvement of your secure library, containing videos, images, 2D and 3D models as well as analyzed A.I. clips all in one place
  • Easy search for specific time or device stamped media

3D Modelling:

  • Modelling jobs are now completed 30% faster due to parallel processing, improved stitching and tiling
  • 3D Modelling jobs allowance increased to 750 images on all Business subscriptions. Contact us for even higher allowances
  • Point clouds with much higher point density per model providing more accurate measurements

Fusion Atlas:

  • Geo-referenced live video feeds straight on a map for operational awareness
  • All your multiple 2D orthomaps can be layered directly into the browser for comparing differences over time
  • KML, KMZ, GeoJSON, CSV datasets can be uploaded and displayed on orthomaps or ESRI layers

Book a time with a specialist to learn how your organization can take advantage of Unleash live

Please continue to send us your feedback as we continue to build the best real time A.I. analytics experience.

Innovation is at the heart of everything that we do. The team are working on exciting experiences brewing in our labs which you can get a glimpse of right in your Unleash live account, go and log-in to find out more.

Get Started with Unleash live

Visit to start your free trial or book a time with one of our specialist team members to learn how your business can take advantage of live streaming video and A.I. analytics

