Alice Driver Feature Interview

Amy Schwartz
Unleash Surf
Published in
3 min readNov 28, 2019
Alice Driver on Unleash Surf
Alice at the beach in Huanchaco

The first time I looked at Alice Driver’s website I cried. Her journalism and photography show heart-wrenching truths of women’s lives that are often overlooked or forgotten. She’s written and/or photographed for Longreads, Time, National Geographic, Outside Magazine, the New York Times, the Guardian and done segments for CNN — mostly focused on migration. In 2017, she was invited by the Nobel Women’s Initiative to join Nobel Laureates, including Rigoberta Menchú as they travelled Central America to highlight the work of human rights activists in indigenous communities.

Alice and her bestie joined us for a month of Unleash in 2019 to take a pause, get some work done and surf. Alice is as elegant, unwavering and kind as is her writing.

Of all the joys of being a part of Unleash, getting to spend time with inspiring people like Alice is definitely my fave!

Here are Alice’s quick thoughts on her Unleash Surf experience:

What do you do for fun?

I like to wander around Mexico City photographing different neighbourhoods and eating.

Alice at a group dinner in the Unleash Surf cowork space

Why did you decide to go on Unleash Surf?

I talked to Amy and John on the phone and thought they had created a great community for surfers. I admire people who create what they want to see in the world.

Surfing in Huanchaco Peru

Did you learn anything while you were on Unleash?

Surfing is a humbling experience, and I wanted to remember what is is like to learn something and how difficult and exhilarating it can be. I also wanted to feel strong and capable in my body, and surfing each morning did make me feel that.

Alice mastering her popup on a one-on-one coaching session

What’s next for your surfing/remote working?

I would like to explore Mexico. My dad wants me to take him to Unleash on a father-daughter surf trip next year.

3 tips for someone who is going on Unleash for the first time:

  1. Take advantage of the excellent coaching
  2. Do your push ups!
  3. Learn how to make an excellent pisco sour on the Unleash cooking class!

Want to learn more about our surf retreat for digital nomads? Visit our website or send us a message on WhatsApp: +19024523417.

