Lucia Fernandez Feature Interview

Amy Schwartz
Unleash Surf
Published in
3 min readJan 22, 2020
Lucia in Huanchaco’s beginner surf area, La Curvita

Lucia Fernandez, an extraordinary creative mind and designer of spaces and beautiful places, is based in Seattle when she’s not adventuring or aunting to her fabulous nieces and nephews. She joined us for Unleash Surf last April to get some big creative work done on a long-standing project and begin exploring more ways to live and work remotely. Here’s her tips for taking some bold, but chill, steps on a new adventure.

Lucia and Unleash Surf coach Renato preparing for a surf lesson

Why did you decide to go on Unleash Surf?

I was looking for an experience where I could continue to focus on my work — by ensuring I’d have access to a good co-working space and accommodations. And I also wanted to learn to surf and connect with like minded adventure seekers that were also focused on their work. Unleash came to me via a Google search after typing ‘live, work, surf’ — when I happened upon it, I immediately felt that I had found the exact opportunity I had been searching for. So I just went for it!

Harvesting the totora reed with the King of the Caballito, Huevito
Living history on the caballito de totora, built on an Unleash Workshop

What stood out for you about your Unleash Surf experience?

The ease of life and routine I fell into as soon as I landed in Huanchaco. The welcoming of the group, the ease of communication, and the weekly opportunities to get involved (or not), really helped me feel like I was a part of the ‘team’ right away. There was a familial feeling to the group that stood out to me as well. The way Amy, John and Sophie curated a ‘Peruvian experience’ for us, while at the same time giving us space to make it our own unique experience was pretty remarkable.

Working remotely with Unleash Surf

What are your 3 tips for someone who is going on Unleash for the first time?

  1. Be prepared to eat well and communicate in Spanish on a basic level — plan on shopping at the market and talking with the local vendors.
  2. I bought a Nomadix towel from REI before I left for Peru that ended up being my most cherished item throughout this trip, and now every trip I’ve taken after — I used it as a blanket on the flights (always cold), as a wrap around my shoulders to protect from sun (it’s such a nice looking style that people asked me where I got my cool ‘wrap’), and functionally as a way to dry off. Indispensable piece!
  3. Keep in mind — the experience is what you make of it, good or bad. No travel abroad comes without some difficulty. Be open, flexible, and allow time in your schedule to take part in the experience as much as you can or want to. I ended up having to devote much more of my time to work projects than I expected, so if you can plan on working a little less than usual in order to enjoy more experiences, I would recommend that.

Want to learn more about our surf retreat for digital nomads? Visit our website or send us a message on WhatsApp: +19024523417.

