Should You Bring, Rent Or Buy A Surfboard On Your Next Surf Trip?

Amy Schwartz
Unleash Surf
Published in
3 min readAug 16, 2018

Should you take your surfboard on your surf trip, buy a new one or rent? Amy and John discussed this topic during a recent Facebook Like, watch it below.

It’s the $500 question of every surfer, here’s the answer:

Pros and cons of bringing your own board

Nothing feels better than ol’faithful by your side


  • You’re used to riding it
  • You know exactly what you’ll get when you get there
  • You don’t have to waste time finding one to rent or buy
  • Even with airplane fees, it might be cheaper than buying one new or used
  • Depending on how long you will be travelling — it might be more expensive to bring it than to rent a board when you get there


  • It is a huge bag to travel with
  • Airlines charge you money to fly with a board — and they might not let you take it at all if it is over 7ft
  • Having it with you if you’re planning other travel
  • Your board might not be the right fit with the local conditions
  • There is a chance it will get dinged or even run over (been there) and the airline won’t compensate you

Pros and cons of renting a board

Never hurts to try something different


  • It can be less expensive to rent at $20 per day (average) for shorter trips than paying the fee to fly with it
  • You don’t have to worry about damage or theft of your own board
  • You can try different shapes of boards from the rental place


  • You don’t know the rental stock or quality until you get there
  • It can be more expensive to rent on longer trips
  • If the rental shop isn’t open when you get there, you’ll have to wait, boardless, while the waves are breaking your heart

Pros and cons of buying a used or new board

Oh yeah, new boards…


  • Who doesn’t love a new board?
  • If the selection is good in your destination, you can get what you want
  • It might be less expensive than renting if you’re traveling for longer time
  • Again, it saves you the hassle of transporting the board
  • You get to try something new and different from what is available at home
  • It might be cheaper to get a board in your destination


  • You never know what you’re going to find
  • The quality and selection of boards might not great
  • Fins, leash, traction pads, board bag might be extra cost
  • It might be the most expensive option
  • Having to bring it home or sell it before you leave

So how do you decide?

Do some research on board availability, prices and rental options in your destination. Depending on where you’re from the options in your destination may be fewer and more expensive, or the opposite could be true. Email a few shops or hostels and ask them for price ranges and availability and weigh your own pros and cons from there.

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