Unleash Surf Participants — Gwen and Stefan

Amy Schwartz
Unleash Surf
Published in
6 min readSep 22, 2018

You know those people who seem to have it all figured out? Unleash Surf participants Gwendolyn Briscoe and Stefan Gehrig blew us away with their expert balance of a successful start-up, a loving relationship and time for adventure.

These Aussies live life like they mean it. Here’s their secret for awesome-sauce and a regret-free lifestyle:

What made you decide to become digital nomads?

Gwen: When Stefan saw the advertisement for Unleash Surf he was so taken with the idea of living in a new environment and being able surf everyday and work that he decided to offer me a position in his business that allowed me to travel and work remotely too. It wasn’t an easy decision for me as I’d had a great position as a Sales Manager for a large OHS Consultancy Agency for 11 years and but I thought, “why not work and travel at the same time?”. I took the plunge and started a new gig in the marketing department of King Kong Apparel and cut-loose from my desk job.

Stefan: I’d been thinking it might be good to to leave Melbourne and try something different for a while. I couldn’t shake the feeling that there was more I should be doing than going through the same routine every day. A friend shared an article about Unleash with me and I said to myself, “That’s it!”. It seemed like a perfect fit for what I was looking for: work, travel and get better at surfing (not necessarily in that order! :). And with hindsight, it was the perfect fit.

Gwen, always smiling and ever photogenic, enjoying her decision to cut loose from her desk job

Was there anything holding you back from coming on Unleash?

Stefan: Gwen’s job and a bit of a busy trade-show schedule for King Kong. But I managed to work a couple of short business trips to Iceland and the US into my time with Unleash. I was sad when I had to miss a few days of surf, but it was pretty easy to fly in and out of Huanchaco through Lima and beyond.

Gwen: It is difficult to make a big life-changing decision when life is comfortable and settled. I loved my job, I loved where I lived and had my family and friends all close by. Working remotely was something I’d really wanted to do, but I never imagined it as something I’d do for longer than a month — I’d always put it in the too hard basket. My partner Stefan, as well as my friends and family showed me how this was a ‘once-in-a-lifetime’ opportunity, one that I would regret if I didn’t do it.

Gwen rocking a surf lesson in Huanchaco’s beginner area

What did you like best about Unleash Surf?

Gwen: The consideration taken into making remote working and living as smooth as possible. When you travel you think you’ll have to leave that comfortable home feeling — but we had all the comforts of home waiting for us in Huanchaco — clean, spacious and extremely comfortable apartments.

Stefan: Yeah it was like we got transplanted to a different place with everything ready to go: a house, workspace, places to eat and more.

But for me the best part was being able to surf everyday and still get work done because the internet is really fast. There are always waves here and everything is in walking distance to the waves. I also love the fact that everything is new and stimulating. We are learning Spanish, trying new and delicious foods, working in a different environment and participating in a range of interesting activities. It gives me more creativity.

And also the people who were on Unleash were from a great mix of different countries and professions.

Gwen: Yes and getting to know the locals through Unleash was a bonus — when we’d walk down the street we’d stop and chat with people we met through Unleash and that was a great feeling.

Building new friendships with other Unleash Surf participants
Gwen taking a guitar lesson on the Unleash Surf cowork space patio

As a couple how’s this journey been together?

I think that experiences are much better when they are shared. So it’s been great to share all the new experiences, learnings (and surfing!) The fact that we’ve both been able to improve our surfing at the same time means we’ll be able to surf together back home too. Something we are really looking forward too!

Taking in one of Huanchaco’s magical sunsets together
Taking in the ancient history of Huanchaco’s region together

Stefan, the improvement in your surfing skills over the last three months is mind-boggling. You shred! How’d you get so good so fast?

Haha! Thank you! But i’ve still got a long way to go. I think the improvement came from living in a place where is was super easy to get in the water every day, and often twice a day. Before Unleash i was lucky to get 2 or 3 surfs in a month. Being in the water every day, coupled with bi-weekly lessons with the instructor in the water surfing was the ideal environment for shredding :). Now i just need to surf more consistently back at home!

Stefan taking it to the lip and down with style
Stefan sandboarding in the dunes of Northern Peru

What is next for you two?

We will be in the US for a few months and then Europe and then back to Melbourne — but maybe we won’t bother with Melbourne and just circle back and see you here again next year!

Is there anything you will do differently now that you’ve been on Unleash Surf?

Stefan: We now see long term travel while working as something that is much more achievable. And we will move to the coast in Australia so I can get in the water every day.

Gwen: Before this living away from home for a long period of time was daunting. But after being with Unleash for 3 months, I see that it was all in my mind. It’s really not that difficult.

Enjoying a Peruvian cooking class together with Unleash Surf’s chef David

What advice would you give to someone thinking of coming on Unleash?

Stefan: Just do it. Once you’re here you’ll realize that you should have done it earlier!

Gwen: You only live once, so why not do something you never thought you would do? I did, and now I laugh at all the excuses I told myself beforehand.

Organize your life that enables you to take the plunge. You wont regret it.

Stefan and Gwen were on Unleash Surf for three months from February-April 2018. They own and run a bag, backpack and meal prep bag company call King Kong Apparel you can find on IG @kingkongapparel and Gwen’s IG hashtag at #itsmyperuvianlife.

Want to learn more about our surf retreat for digital nomads? Visit our website https://unleashsurf.com or send us a message on WhatsApp: +19024523417.

