Interview: Grace Liang

Behind the Life of an Influencer

6 min readJun 14, 2018


UNLEASHED Women features inspiring female trailblazers through full Q&A interviews. These women are creating new own opportunities across industries, pursuing positive impact for their communities, and leading socially productive practices in life and work at large.

In just one week UNLEASHED will be heading to Detroit, Michigan to shoot our third documentary film for the series #ConnectingThread, highlighting entrepreneurial and artisan women around the world bettering the futures of themselves and their surrounding communities.

In preparation of our next documentary, we sought out inspiring entrepreneurial women who reside in the Detroit area to draw inspiration from. Meet influencer and fashion blogger Grace Liang of Color & Grace, a determined creative businesswoman inspiring women around the world through fashion, beauty, travel, wellness, and personal narratives of grief, perseverance, and perspective.

What is your current career & role?

I am a full-time blogger/influencer.

Can you describe the various services you provide professionally, and what is has been like to work as a blogger?

As a life style blogger, I provide fashion and beauty inspiration for women, mainly women between the ages of 30 to 50. I also share travel, food and wellness tips with similar minded audiences. Sharing my journey through grief, life’s hardships — all the trials and tribulations — has become a unique part of my influence as well.

Being a full-time blogger, similar to being any type of small business owner, requires working long hours. You have no weekends completely off and the work can be extremely stressful from time to time. But because I love what I do I continue to do it. There are ups and downs, but overall I’d say I’m living my dream.

You don’t realize how amazing you are and how much you can accomplish, but one day you will. Just relax, be happy. Enjoy being young and reckless.

How did you get started with “Color & Grace” — what sparked your interest in starting the blog?

I always wanted to be a fashion designer since a very young age. But I never knew how to draw, illustrate, or sew. About 3 years ago I read various articles about the blogging industry, and continued to read a lot about fashion bloggers specifically. After a while I just thought to myself: “I think I can do this too”.

Who is your sheHERO (a woman that inspires & encourages you)?

Oprah Winfrey. Her call for all of us to live our best lives has inspired millions to strive to reach their highest potential. One of my favorite quotes about her says it all — “She’s a woman who came from nothing and through hard work, intelligence, perseverance, a grounded sense of faith and an open mind and heart, created her own success. All of these traits have enabled her to receive a bounty of blessings but, most importantly, she has become a blessing to so many others.”

Be the real you. People love you because you are real, not because you are perfect.

Who would you like to give gratitude to that has made everything you have accomplished so far possible?

My late husband. He was the first one who ever truly believed in me and gave me the unconditional love that I’d never experienced before.

What exciting projects are you working on?

I am working on two projects right now. One is a book I’m working on about my LIFE AFTER LOSS — the human journey through grief. The other is to advance my career in motivational public speaking.

What are some ways you believe personal brands are influencing corporate industries (beauty, entertainment)?

For small brands and influencers alike I think the main advantage is that we are real people. My followers can relate themselves to my struggles, my small progress, and my point of views on life. Similarly, small brands are built by a few people — you can hear the individual voices more. The big corporate entities need to be more “real”. I think that’s the direction everything’s headed.

Do you have any thoughts or opinions on the future of the blogging industry?

I assume it’ll become more competitive since it is very easy to enter, but this industry will likely become more standardized in the future as well. Who knows, maybe in the future people will have to get a certificate to become a “certified blogger”.

What sources have significantly inspired your work (place, person, experience, worldview…)?

Death. You can read those two posts (Life, Loss, Death & Life After Loss) to see how much it has changed my point of view on life.

Giving back is the only way to leave a positive mark on the earth.

What are some quick pieces of advice you would give to a young professional about starting their own brand?

Be the real you. People love you because you are real, not because you are perfect. Tell the world your story and they will fall in love with you.

What are some important life philosophies or values you encourage others to consider?

Never kill your inner child. Never give up on your dream.

What advice would you give to your 22 year old self?

There is no need to worry about anything. You don’t realize how amazing you are and how much you can accomplish, but one day you will. Just relax, be happy. Enjoy being young and reckless.

Biggest pet peeve?

Dealing with a close-minded person.

Favorite thing that makes you happy?

A peaceful sunset near the water, enjoying amazing food and drink, chatting with likeminded people.

What are some other goals you have for the future or new things youʼd like to try? What steps are you taking so far to get there?

I want to start a LIFE AFTER LOSS foundation to help everyone who can use support through their grieving. So far I am at the stage of researching and exchanging ideas.

Why do you think empowering women and giving back is important?

I think empowerment is important to anyone, not just women. Giving back is the only way to leave a positive mark on the earth.




Celebrating and supporting female artisans and entrepreneurs around the world. 🌎💁 ➫