Interview: Susan Rockefeller

Independent Magazine Founder & Editor-in-Chief of Musings Magazine

12 min readAug 1, 2018


UNLEASHED Women features inspiring female trailblazers through full Q&A interviews. These women are creating new own opportunities across industries, pursuing positive impact for their communities, and leading socially productive practices in life and work at large.

Where better to look for inspiring women than in the communities that surround you? Or perhaps the city that inspires you? Susan Rockefeller, a philanthropist and activist for environmental sustainability and conscientious film is the founder and creator of the magazine Musings and involved in several of the change-making communities within New York City and around the globe. Rockefeller is also one of the board members at UNLEASHED, an important force behind our commitment to celebrating and empowering female entrepreneurs and artisans around the world. We wanted to uncover the inspirations, motivations, and valuable advice behind Rockefeller’s dedication to the environment, ambitious career, and new commitments to our mission at UNLEASHED and the storytelling being crafted by our documentary film series Connecting Thread.

How did you get started with your career?

Ever since I was a child, I have been drawn to nature. Growing up, our family spent summer vacations on the east end of Long Island by the ocean, and the winters skiing in Vermont. I loved exploring the outdoors. Nature was my greatest teacher. Being in nature filled me with wonder and ignited my curiosity. My passion for nature has followed me throughout my life since then. I attended Hampshire College in Amherst MA where I majored in environmental studies and took classes in ecology, horticulture, and photography. Following graduation, I spent close to three years living with Inuit and learning about subsistence culture. I saw firsthand how the Inuit hunted, fished, and lived with sensitivity and respect to the natural world that sustained them.

When I came back to New York, I received a full scholarship to pursue an MA in counselor education at NYU. I worked with a professor whose focus was on economic development and job creation. Once I completed my Masters, I went on to work at the Stern School of Business and created conferences on work and the environment, and women and work. I also wrote three books during that time. My first book Green at Work was published in 1992, and again 1995. Shortly after, in 1996, I published Finding Your Way with an MBA. Both books offered ways to use environmental literacy and business skills to make a difference in purposeful entrepreneurship and personal career development.

I loved being able to communicate my knowledge and my vision through the written word, but I missed photography and wanted to segue into film to pursue visual storytelling. I worked with two filmmakers on my first film, both of whom went to NYU Tisch School of the Arts. My focus in both writing and film often circled back to nature and people’s relationship to the environment. I have made films including: Mission of Mermaids, which uses the myth of the mermaid to raise awareness for ocean health, and Food for Thought Food for Life, which calls for healthier and more sustainable practices in our food and agricultural systems. Many of my films traveled the festival circuits and were featured on networks including Discovery and HBO.

Today, I continue to use writing, film, and the arts to explore our relationship to the planet, and to highlight the intersection between the environment and the economy. In the same vein, I founded the online newsletter and digital magazine, Musings, which offers a portal to information and inspiration from people working to make our world a better place.

In today’s society, we need collaboration from all sectors. I personally believe that entrepreneurs and consumers hold the power to shift demand and create the change needed to ensure a safe and healthy planet for all. That’s why Musings highlights the businesses that offer toxin-free, eco-friendly, and purpose-driven products that are better for people and for the environment. In addition to providing safe and sustainable product alternatives, Musings interviews thought-leaders in philanthropy and social impact entrepreneurs to empower readers with inspirational sound-bites, strategic calls to action, and impactful takeaways.

Throughout all of my work, I embrace the personal mantra “Protect What is Precious” which to me, is family, art, and nature. I sit on the boards various non-profit organizations that support these values, including UNLEASHED, Oceana, Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture, Southampton Arts Center, Land and Garden Preserve, and the We Are Family Foundation. I am also a Principal of Louveture Films and a member of the Film Committee at the Museum of Modern Art.

Who is your sheHERO (a woman that inspires & encourages you)?

I have many SheHeros! Women in general inspire me as I believe they’re natural nurturers, and the fiercest protectors of those they love. In particular, I’ve always been inspired and encouraged by Rachel Carson for her environmental bravery, and Georgia O’Keefe for her artistry. I also look up to Wonder Woman for championing good over evil, and for being fierce while leading with love.

Who who would you like to give gratitude to that has made everything you have accomplished so far possible?

My parents. My mother for focusing on the values of beauty, culture, and craft, and my father for his kindness, his environmental leadership, and for making me passionate about the great outdoors.

Stay true to your mission and be patient. Following your heart doesn’t always lead you down the easiest path. There may be turbulent times, but if you take a long term view and remind yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing, you will find your way.

What exciting projects are you working on?

In addition to our Musings newsletter, which we officially launched in January of this year, my team and I have been working on curating our Musings speaker series. We are also working on a few exciting brand collaborations that will use sustainable and mission-inspired products to carry messaging into new markets.

In my philanthropic work, I am co-chairing the Oceana New York Gala this coming September and the Stone Barns Center for Food and Agriculture Gala in October.

As a Board Member of UNLEASHED, I am also excited about the potential to highlight female artisans and entrepreneurs from around the world through storytelling and film. In particular, I look forward to working on some China-based partnerships that Unleashed has in the works.

What are some ways you believe independent online magazines influence our world (that people might not often think about)?

Independent online magazines have the ability to go against the grain, and to showcase new perspectives and/or perspectives that challenge the status quo. While popular magazines are predominantly driven by advertising dollars or page views, independent magazines are more often driven by their missions and their desire to share unique content. Since their editorial direction is not as constrained or commercialized, independent magazines have more flexibility in the topics they cover, and are able to communicate issues in ways that they feel would be most impactful amongst their followings. Independent online magazines often have a more niche audience that follows along for a particular purpose. While a curated audience-base may take longer to grow, it implies that publication’s messaging is often more streamlined and holds more weight than the more overarching messages or topics communicated by mass market outlets.

Do you have any thoughts or opinions on the future of sustainability in various industries, or new opportunities for those passionate about participating in the future of our environment?

I hope that, in the future, sustainability will no longer be a separate discussion or initiative, but rather will become a norm across both industry and society. I’m already noticing a shift in that direction through the companies and the thought leadership that we spotlight in Musings. Part of why I launched Musings was to demonstrate that no matter what you choose to do in life, you can do it in a way that benefits the planet. By featuring businesses and organizations that embrace sustainability and impact driven objectives at their core, we hope to show how it’s possible to pursue your passions through an environmental/social lens, and to be profitable while making a difference. The individuals we interview also provide insight into their personal and professional journeys, with the hopes of inspiring others to follow their lead.

There is an economic interest in our health wellbeing, and in that of our planet. The sustainable development goals, or SDGs, will continue to be a global platform for sustainability and innovation in corporate America. Sustainability will be one of the biggest investments of the coming decades, which will also have the biggest returns. The opportunities for businesses that adopt the SDGs are enormous. Governments globally are falling short. The crisis we are facing is not as much financial or economic as it is moral. Humanity needs to get us out of this, and each one of us can make a difference.

What sources have significantly inspired your work (place, person, experience, worldview…)?

I am endlessly inspired by experiences from my upbringing and my youth. My father was an entrepreneur and environmentalist, and my mother was an anthropologist and collector of Native American art. They instilled in me a wonder and curiosity about the world that I carry with me to this day.

I spent the summers of my childhood out east on Long Island, surrounded by the serenity of open corn and potato fields, the aromatic scent of privet, the wonder of fireflies, and the mystery of the ocean. I grew up appreciating all that nature has to offer, and I developed a desire to protect the beauty and the bounty of the natural world.

My experience living in the Arctic in my twenties also greatly influenced the focus of my work, as I saw firsthand how it’s possible to live in more balance and appreciation of nature. I learned to question how we take care of the earth, and how much is really enough to have a life well lived. I learned the importance of knowing where our food comes from, and protecting the soils that provide us with sustenance and nourish all life above land. I also witnessed firsthand how all is interconnected, and the importance of caring for culture and our earth.

Today, my husband David and I focus our philanthropic efforts on promoting healthy soils and healthy seas. These two sensitive ecosystems are intrinsically linked and provide us with the vital resources needed for health and our survival. Along with David’s own upbringing and experiences, my time on the ocean and my time in Alaska continue to inform our collective work.

What are some things that sets apart MUSINGS from other magazines?

I founded Musings to be a refuge from much of the noise on the internet. It is meant to highlight innovators and to ignite curiosity by presenting new ideas. Musings spotlights businesses that offer toxin-free, eco-friendly, and purpose-driven products that are better for people and for the environment. Musings has also partnered with leading non-profits and researched-based organizations in the categories of fashion, food, home, health, and beauty to offer vetted insight, certifications, and standards for the businesses we feature.

What are some important life philosophies or values you’d encourage others to consider?

David and I have a shared mantra and philanthropic vision we call “protect what is precious.” Our top priorities — those that we hold closest in our hearts — are family, art, and nature. Family as the foundation of love and transmission of values, art as the purest expression of beauty and the human soul, as well as the universal language of all cultures, and the natural world as sustainer not only of human life, but also of everything we value. We encourage others to consider what it is they value most, and work towards protecting it in their own lives as well.

What are some practices you have adopted into your lifestyle to live more sustainably and conscious of our environment? What are some practices others can adopt themselves?

Every day we have the opportunity to better the world through our actions. There has been a movement around for the past decade, or so, that has focused on eliminating single-use plastics. I’ve been a longtime advocate for this moment, and have personally been plastic-free for years. Using alternatives to plastics such as reusable water bottles, paper or metal straws, canvas bags, and more are the simplest steps individuals can take.

Animal agriculture is also one of the largest threat to our planet’s well-being. According to researchers, animal agriculture uses 30% of all arable land, more than 25% of all freshwater, and creates as much greenhouse gas emissions as all of the world’s cars, trucks, trains, ships, and airplanes combined. As a result of the environmental impact of eating meat, I choose to consume a mostly plant-based diet. There are movements such as such as Gracelink’s “Meatless Monday” based in New York, and David Yeong’s subsequent “Green Monday”, stemming from Hong Kong, that act as great introductions for embracing a more planet-friendly, plant-based diet.

Every day we have the opportunity to better the world through our actions.

What advice would you give to your 22 year old self?

Stay true to your mission and be patient. Following your heart doesn’t always lead you down the easiest path. There may be turbulent times, but if you take a long term view and remind yourself of why you’re doing what you’re doing, you will find your way. Seeing your hard work come to fruition will be worth the wait, and you will grow in the process.

Favorite thing that makes you happy? (small or large, in general)

As a mother, my greatest happiness comes from knowing that my children are happy and safe. Other than that, I find joy in the simplicity of being with my spouse David, waking up and going to sleep with him. I am grateful for each day that I am given to participate in this miraculous life and journey on planet Earth!

Why do you think empowering women and giving back is important?

If we want to have a healthy planet, and a sustainable future, we need to empower and honor the potential of women.

From an environmental standpoint, empowering women with adequate health care and education is the number one solution to climate change.

Women also control nearly 28 trillion dollars in annual consumer spending, and will soon be responsible for 2/3 of the economy. By empowering women through education and access to safer products, we can shift consumer demand towards regulated, safe, toxin free and environmentally healthy products; products that don’t release toxins into our water streams or into our bodies, and food that isn’t produced in a way that destroys the land from which it is grown.

I am an advisor and investor in Entity Academy, which mentors millennial and Gen Z women on leadership, the digital economy, and career and life planning. I believe that female-focused platforms like Entity will have deep and wide reach, and will continue to celebrate the power of women who lead.

My work with Unleashed also creates a global platform to amplify the power of women and the culture of artisan ‘craftswomanship’ around the world. I’m eager to see how we can create awareness and develop a marketplace where these women and their arts can be nurtured and supported by other women.

I believe in the power teen leadership and love the work of We Are Family Foundation, which nurtures teen leadership around the world by bringing together a robust network of brilliant teens to create broad-based change.

Where do you see yourself in 5 or 10 years?

In 5–10 years, I hope to see the impact of this work that I’ve put forth and supported through Musings, Entity Academy, Unleashed, We Are Family Foundation, my films, and my non-profit involvements. Most of all, I hope to continue to inspire young people to become the next generation of innovators and stewards of our precious planet.




Celebrating and supporting female artisans and entrepreneurs around the world. 🌎💁 ➫