Folkert Oosting — Partner

Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Unleash Leadership
Unleash Leadership


“The strongest way to speed up is to slow down”. — Folkert Oosting

I am passionate to unleash resilience in personal and organisational leadership. I have a professional background in corporate communications. I originally started my professional education as a musician but switched to the world of corporate business. Over the last years, I picked up music activities as a pianist in partnership with Alex Simu, an awarded musician and film composer. Together, we developed a resilience-building leadership development workshop programme called ‘Improvision’ in which we use the metaphor and experience of improvised music.

Client Services


“I have worked with Folkert in various capacities, always performed with flair and professionalism… Folkert ‘gets’ the European market, and has managed to consistently challenge my ideas about communications. He is passionate, innovative and committed to delivering results. I continue to seek out opportunities to work with Folkert, and thoroughly recommend that you do the same.” — Todd Wheatland |Author, Speaker

“Folkert and Alex are more than great musicians. They can make you listen with new ears. Guide you into a process of discovering your leadership repertoire and innovation capabilities. They make you aware of the courage to step up, of who is taking the lead in which situation, of how novel combinations can emerge, of team dynamics, and much more. Work with them and Improvisie will combine beauty with impact.“ — Twan van de Kerkhof, Founder | European Leadership Platform

More about Folkert

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