Folkert Oosting and Alex Simu during their leadership development workshop ‘Improvisie’

Leadership Experience

Unleash Leadership
Unleash Leadership
Published in
4 min readNov 14, 2017


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The Learning Environment and Location

The Challenge

Does this sound familiar? You sense some new potential of collaboration at the table, however, office routines, agendas or deadlines get in between. You need to instantly respond without having a best practice or approved plan. At moments as these, the challenge is to activate a mindset of improvisation by tuning into the ‘here & now’. Letting trust and intuition guide you to re-invent or co-create solutions on the spot or develop autonomous teams. We welcome you to a jump start together with us.

What You’ll Get

During the session, you will:

  • Learn to deeply and intuitively listen while being in a conversation
  • Experience the value of letting go your pre-set ambitions in co-creation
  • Discover your own improvisation potential in work- or personal life
  • Be inspired by the practice of the improvising musician in developing agile teams.
  • Re-connect to the voice of your intuition and personal leadership style

The Experience Description

Session 1. Sound of Silence

  • Check in
  • Live music meditation
  • Discover your inner voices of silence

Session 2. Transformative Listening Clinic

  • The Art of Conscious Listening: insights, tools and interactive practice with live music
  • Change & Improvisation: Jazz as a leadership metaphor for organizations and teams
  • Recognize the sound of change: interactive session with live improvised music

Session 3. Improvisie Dialogue:

  • Bring in your personal challenge to cope with change in personal- or work life
  • Dialogue session: tuning into the collective wisdom of the group
  • Transforming into a co-created vision to take a next step in your personal leadership

Session 4. Jam Session Experience

  • Learn how you can effectively experiment and co-create in the moment
  • An interactive workshop action learning methods
  • Learn by experience to use your intuition as a ‘music instrument’ for co-creation

What Makes this Experience Different

We create a safe holding space for professionals and managers. You will feel free and valued to share your own unique contribution and co-shape the experience. We’ve blended our best practice experience from the world of business (change communications), professional jazz music and art education. Using practical techniques, theory based insights and interactive work methods. So you can discover and activate your unique potential to stay resilient in a world that changes in an ever-fasting pace.

How We Run the Experience

Preferably we run the programme on an offsite location. Creative spaces in a city or location in nature environments will work best with the live music experience. But a large hotel conference room would also work. The room or space should be not too ‘low’ for acoustic reasons. A (grand-) piano is required. At your request we can arrange a rented piano throughout our network. Also we need audio equipment for the jam session experience. We provide a list with technical specs. In addition we need a number of round tables to run the dialogue sessions. We appreciate standard facilities like a flip chart, beamer, screen, papers and wifi.

Our Endorsements

What do our participants say?

  • “ It has helped me to effectively synchronize my individual contribution to the group.”
  • “Improvisation offers me a flexible work structure.”
  • “I felt more inner space and harmony listening to the music.”
  • “Great, the intuitive energy made me move and grow.”
  • “Fresh and surprising, they also shared their own life stories.”
  • “Your music gave me a quiet mind.”

“They can make you listen with new ears. Guide you into a process of discovering your leadership repertoire and innovation capabilities. They make you aware of the courage to step up, of who is taking the lead in which situation, of how novel combinations can emerge, of team dynamics, and much more. Work with them and Improvisie will combine beauty with impact.” — Twan van de Kerkhof, Founder European Leadership Platform

“Improvisie really stays with you by instantly touching your intuition. It got me zoom in on stuff that really matters. I discovered that improvisation is a skill and mindset. It’s of great value to business transformation and leadership. Folkert and Alex guide you step-by-step handing you a nice blend of reflection, action and solid knowledge. Oh yes… and they’re also great inspiring musicians!”Jessica Jonasse, Business Development Manager, SAMR Smart Agent MarketResponse

How to Take this Leadership Experience or Find out More?

Take this leadership experience or find out more. Start here and we are delighted to help you.

Who Run the Experience

© 2017 UnleashLeadership — All rights reserved



Unleash Leadership
Unleash Leadership

We bring together diverse partners to design creative learning spaces, inspiring growth for individuals and impact for organizations