Heidi Romano
3 min readDec 16, 2016


It takes a mountain of energy to transform an idea you had in the middle of a sunny afternoon into an exhibition or book. In our minds we have taken the images already, we have paired them, sequenced them, designed the book and the exhibition. Voila! What we forget is that reality takes much longer than that. Even finding that very first image might take a good little while, never mind the complete series. So you thought it was all set, dusted and settled, but the images you take are just not working.

How often do we ponder, question, fret — wonder if we should give up? But through experience, and often through persistence and keeping an open mind, we discover a different process is needed to begin, and then to complete this new project.

So here we are half a year or two years later, and we finally got our images, but where next? A Book? An exhibition? Online?

Once again — each of these forms must be treated in a different way. For a book, we have to think of a different sequencing, design and typography than for a website or even an application. For an exhibition one has to think about framing a viewing experience that is different, to say, a book. Once upon a time, photos were only prepared for an exhibition and in some rare cases for a book.

There are many different opportunities available to us in today’s digital environment, but regardless of the format, amazing images will always be able to stand alone, in a crowd, a book or an exhibition. And the result will always be marvelous.

May I introduce:
Koichi Nishiyama
Karin Bubaš
Palmer Davis
Thomas Jorion
Stephen Kelly


Download the full issue here.

Published in October 2011.


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Heidi Romano

Heidi Romano is an independent curator and art director working in the wider field of photography and design. http://www.unlessyouwill.