Heidi Romano
Published in
3 min readDec 26, 2016


Great photography will engulf you and make you time travel.
Living in a small township of 1600 people, I have often stood in the meadows and imagined myself in the South of France. In winter we have lunch in our sun room and I often feel like I am in Spain. It is the same when I look over and over again at the projects presented in this issue.

Each artist takes me to a new location, they urge me to discover their findings, explore their stories and make them mine. Simply by changing from one project to another, I have traveled a distance not measurable by km’s, but by the imagination.

You carry photography in your heart and you make it your own. You can be here, there, someplace other or elsewhere. And while elsewhere can be anywhere, it also indicates a journey — “an action that leads to photographs” (Lesley A. Martin)

Elsewhere is as elastic as time on different days. It draws you in, you notice the detail, your attention is drawn to one small part of someone else’s universe. It is how they connect the dots in their constellation. The artists share a memory. That memory now has become your history.

Looking out of the window it is winter and summer at the same time. While I light a fire, trees are blossoming on the other side of the world, someone is reading a book and over there fog is engulfing the landscape into stillness.
While one artist is wandering to explore the spontaneous and playful, the other is looking at different techniques and fragile traces in the landscape, while yet another is dipping their feet in ancestral waters.

And while I was not there with them when they took the images, I now get to experience their findings — like an adventurer in search of a treasure that no pirate will ever be able to steal.

And as David McGee said “What we give away will be ours forever.” With this in mind — enjoy!

Ester Vonplon
Aline Smithson
Marianna Rothen
Jessica Backhaus
Annick Ligtermoet

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You can download this issue here.

Published in June 2013.


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Thank you for being curious!



Heidi Romano

Heidi Romano is an independent curator and art director working in the wider field of photography and design. http://www.unlessyouwill.