Heidi Romano
2 min readDec 29, 2016


A new project often begins with an idea trying to take form in ones mind — the need to investigate and explore a vague dream, wild experimentation and often a mistake.

This issue is about play, trying out new processes and creating unique connections to the past; working with archives and photographing the same photograph multiple times to create mysterious images. It is not so much only about the photos themselves anymore, but the process behind them. It is questioning the photographic medium that we know and are familiar with.

Often by using found images and reinventing photographs taken by someone else, these artists apply their vision to reinvent the medium. These projects reveal photography as a medium that is no longer traditional and “straight forward”.

Go and explore the incredible work of
Amy Friend
Dafna Talmor
Melinda Gibson
Daisuke Yokota
Noah Wilson

You can download this issue here.

Published in February 2014.


You can follow UNLESS YOU WILL on instagram, twitter, facebook.

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Thank you for being curious!
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Heidi Romano

Heidi Romano is an independent curator and art director working in the wider field of photography and design. http://www.unlessyouwill.