The massive power that millennials hold and why now is the time to unleash it. 

The #truth about millennials

delfina alden
3 min readMar 21, 2014

We Millennials came here to change the world. That’s why we have been so responsive to the new age movement, so quick to embrace new-thought and why so many of us are game changing entrepreneurs. The codes for brilliance through transformation are within us. We hold the codes and the capabilities for massive world change. And, if we accept our mission and our purpose we will lay the groundwork and set the stage for the transformational generations to come. As a generation we are unique, different and often misunderstood, mislabeled and misplaced. Sad but very true. And, there are so many of us…we are often termed the 2nd boomer wave. It’s time now to change things, first and foremost within ourselves.

Remember how many young people responded to Obama’s “Change” campaign? Its because we are here to change the world, literally. Therefore the concept of “change” reverberates throughout our core and touches us deeply. We connect with it. We want to know more, and do more. I’m talking about real, true, lasting change that affects the masses and rings loud throughout the cosmos. I’m talking about doing the things that take guts and lead to a whole different kind of glory. This is no small charge of course, and the responsibility is tremendous, but so are the rewards. The coming generations depend on our success in carrying out our mission. In fact, I will go so far as to say that the future of humanity depends upon each of us rising up, gathering our courage, and stepping in to embrace the challenge and live our truth.

What we do now, what YOU do now determines what happens next. Each choice and each action is not only shaping your future but is shaping OUR future. This is a massive power that we now hold. And, the only way we can harness this power is by coming together and working as one. Because we are. We are one. The amazing thing is that millions are now waking up to their divine truth and are raising up to face their destiny. This is the ultimate heroes journey. Um, no wonder we grew up playing video games…it was all in preparation for our individual and collective quests!

We are shattering old paradigms left and right and taking down antiquated systems piece by piece. So what if our parents think were crazy…or lazy, in a sense we are both. We refuse to do bullshit things that don’t make sense just because some one tells us we should. We take risks, fail, fall, get up and try again with just as much enthusiasm. We know the secrets. We know that our Truth is fearlessness. We know that fear is fake. We are Spiritual Warriors and we will succeed. We are here to Change THE World.

Just a little reminder, in case you forgot

(as I sometimes do)

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delfina alden

Mystic, Metaphysician, Spiritual Activist. Inspiring Souls to Change The World by Living their True Purpose. tweet me: @shethemystic