
drew olanoff
Unlocking the safe.
1 min readFeb 26, 2015

my stem cells are now safely stored/frozen at UCSF, awaiting my return to the hospital.

getting them from me was quite a trip, one that most people probably don’t even know about. i’m not going to go into every detail but it kinda went like this:

day 1, 2, 3, 4: tons of chemo to kill whatever cancerous cells were left in me

day: 5–14: recover from chemo and watch my white blood cells come back up thanks to medication that artificially inflates them for you

day 15: hose jammed in my neck to retrieve my stem cells thanks to a fancy billion dollar washing machine

day 16: go home

in between? a bit of hell on earth. your kind thoughts, words, visits, gifts, love and prayers helped quite a bit though.

next step? back into the hospital for 3 weeks to get my cells back. after more chemo.

