that time i almost gave up

drew olanoff
Unlocking the safe.
2 min readMar 1, 2016

the great thing about gmail is that your emails are stored forever (hopefully). i stumbled across a thread that in retrospect was incredible. it also shows how lucky i am to have the family support that i have.

i’ll set it up for you. i was living in sf. left my job at strands. got a few no’s on a new gig. decided it was time to move back to philly. a few days after this, i went on a job interview to la with textplus.

at this point i didn’t know i had cancer.

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to barryo1225, Lynda

Didn’t hear back from XXXXX, felt really solid about them.

I told myself if I didn’t hear back by 5 today I’d buy a one way ticket home. I still have potential jobs, a few interviews coming up, but I’m going to turn it into a more wind-down and focus on finding work and a living arrangement in Philly.

I gave it all I had to give.

Thank you for the support as always.


From my mom:


to me


I am so proud of how you are handling the situation. You are thinking everything through. I only want the best for you and for you to be happy. Something great is waiting for you. Maybe its back here. Just let us know what your plans are and when your flight comes in. I have great faith in you. It will be great to see you.



From my dad:


to me

I am very proud of you for what you have accomplished. This economy is working against you in looking for a job. The job market is better in PA because unemployment rate is lower. Anything you need let me know. I will make myself available to you at any time to dicuss your oiptions in living around here.
I love you so much and am very proud of you.



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a few days later i got the textplus job, went home to visit, and was diagnosed with hodgkin’s lymphoma for the first time. during treatment, textplus flew me back and forth from philly to la to work (because i wanted to).

don’t ever give up.

