Next Right Now — Flexible production-grade boilerplate for building web apps (monorepo), with Next.js, Zeit and TypeScript

2 min readMar 3, 2020


Building a web app is hard. Building a production-grade app with a high Developer Experience is even harder. Configuring all must-needed frameworks and libraries is quite a challenge, and takes weeks, if not months of hard work.

Monitoring, analytics, reusable styles (css-in-js), graphql, i18n, testing, end-to-end testing, deployment pipeline (CI/CD), typescript, serverless… All these things are must-haves in 2020, and making them all work together is another challenge.

That’s why we released, a boilerplate to help get started with all that. Though opinionated, it’s flexible enough to adapt to your own needs. The goal is to get started with a production-grade setup in a couple of hours, instead of a couple of weeks (at the very least).

There are so many tools in the JS ecosystem now that one must have an opinion on what’s good-enough and what isn’t. It takes time to compare all css-in-js libraries, and that’s just one tiny choice one must do to build isomorphic/universal web applications nowadays.

Next Right Now will help you get started quickly, and can also be used as a great learning resource, because we’ve documented about everything.

You want to build your own blog? An e-commerce website? Some showcase web app? NRN can help, from development to production.

And, it’s flexible. Because you will not agree with all our opinions, and that’s fine. Just get rid of what you don’t like, as simple as that.

Let us know what you like/dislike!

