This one is written just for you*

Chris Jolley
Unmodest Poems
Published in
1 min readNov 23, 2013


Forks crossed
under frosted glass
and plates smudged
with love

That’s my home.

Aborted dreams
fuzzy they cling
till I pull you in close
your hair teases a smile

That’s my home.

Sitting quietly busy
in the general proximity
of your scent your smiles
and your skin

All my home.

Drip drip drip
the notes melt
vivid wax of pride
and joy

I am homeless
but dry



Chris Jolley
Unmodest Poems

Developer, designer and web geek. Preoccupied with Node.js, Open Source and DIY. I'm on linux bitch, I thought you GNU? #poet #autodidact #skeptic