How to conduct an interview

Unnanu Blog
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2021
How to conduct an interview

Conducting an interview is a skill that every interviewer should know. When you are the interviewee, you prepare well for it. Likewise, it is important for the interviewer to be able to conduct an interview as well. Sometimes it can be challenging to conduct a good interview, but having the right questions, good criteria, and even a good tool can be helpful in the hiring process. Here are some tips to help you conduct a smoother interview.

Understand and prepare

As the interviewer, understanding the job is essential. Identifying a job’s responsibilities, qualifications, and level of experience required is important to decide which questions you are going to ask the job applicants. Read the resumes and cover letters of shortlisted applicants and compare their skills, qualifications, and experience with job responsibilities. Then, organize the requirements accordingly and use that information to prepare interview questions.

Identify the type of interview

When most companies hire, they have a few rounds of interviews per applicant. Having an understanding of which type of interview you are going to conduct is important to prepare your questions. There are different types and styles of interviews. Read Unnanu’s past two articles on interview styles and formats to learn more about these. Identify and select which you will use in your interview.

Craft your questions

Asking questions on the spot during an interview can be confusing for both the interviewer and the interviewee. Interviewers represent the company. Interviewing with made-up questions may give the impression that your company isn’t well organized. Therefore, organizing and crafting the questions beforehand is very important. Doing this can help evaluate all the candidates with a similar set of questions and avoid hiring bias.

Create your pitch

Again, as the interviewer, you are representing your company. Having a strong pitch about your company is important to make applicants feel that your company is a great place to work at. It’s important to sell your company and the position you’re hiring for. Explaining the company’s vision, mission, organizational structure, and work culture helps both the interviewer and the applicant understand and assess each other. If not, there’s a chance of getting declined.

Use evaluation sheets

Creating your evaluation sheets prior to the interview can be helpful when taking notes, commenting, and scoring during the interview. It also helps to compare and evaluate all the candidates together after the interviews.

Reduce stress

It is common for candidates to become stressed or anxious during interviews, but interviewers getting stressed as well could disrupt the interview process. As an interviewer, it is important to reduce the stress by initiating a nice and friendly but professional conversation.

Questions and next steps

Don’t forget to give the applicants an opportunity to ask questions. These questions can also help evaluate their skills, personality, and interests and will give you a sense of whether they are a good fit for the company. Make sure to end the interview by explaining what the next steps are.

These are some tips that can help you to prepare for an effective interview as an interviewer. Also, using good tools will make your hiring process more effective and efficient.

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