How to improve your chances of getting better career opportunities

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5 min readSep 14, 2016

Tired of waiting around for a call for an interview that just does not seem to come despite of how many applications you have sent?

With the dawn of online job applications, it has become extremely easy to apply for a opportunity that it takes mere seconds — however, the sheer volume of applications hiring managers get due to this reason has made it quite hard for you to get a call back despite how many jobs you have applied for. Therefore, it is time to do some sprucing to your strategy of applying for career opportunity in a way that will not only get a call for an interview, but also drastically improve your chances in getting a better career opportunity !

I know — it sounds like a baseless promise — but you would not believe how much of a difference a few simple changes to your resume and your approach to career hunting can make.

First things first,

1. Make your contact information clear, sound and impressive

Here’s the thing. With the amount of applications, they get, hiring managers are a lot busier than you would expect them to be. Therefore, it is needed to put more effort to ensure they can notice you and contact you with ease. Try to put an active link to your email address when possible, so your recruiter or hiring manager is one click away from contacting you. (Very important tip: Please make sure your email address is simple and easy to spell. It should sound decent enough and not something that goes along the lines of ! ) If you are giving a number they can call, you need to be responsive, available and ensure that it is connected without interruptions. When you have been sending the same resume for years, you can easily forget to change your contact information to present. These are small mistakes that could cost you an opportunity!

2. Build an easily accessible portfolio

In this almost completely digitized world, it is unacceptable if your portfolio of work is still in a worn out file that you take to the interview. Times have changed now. It is extremely likely that you have to face a virtual interview in the initial screening process for an opportunity. Therefore, make sure you have updated and organized online portfolio. It will always be a good investment to get your name domain, if not, you can opt for a website that helps to manage your portfolio. You need to include this link in all your applications, and it will speak for you in a way words are not capable to achieve.

3. Customize your profile

This is an obvious fact most people surprisingly miss. Most of the career seekers I have talked have confessed to sending out the same recycled cover letter and the resume to for everyone, sometimes not even checking whether even the date mentioned is updated. The employers out there are looking for varied talent, and they are trying to select one go-getter from a pool of potentially hundreds of qualified people for one opportunity. Therefore, it is important that you make your application as customized as possible in order to make sure you stand out among others and give the impression that you really have made an actual effort.

Give your potential employer what they are looking for, rather than forcing them to take you as you are. It is a subtle game of keeping the proper balance of maintaining your authenticity, and offering to your potential employer what they want.

4. Pay attention to the design of your profile

Unless you are a graphic designer, your recruiter probably would not worry too much about how advanced your profile is. design-wise, However, it is important that your usage of fonts and other characters are consistent from the beginning to the end. Make your sure headings more prominent and bolded and the rest clearly laid out. Do not be afraid to use some colors where needed, but if you are not sure, you cannot usually go wrong with a monochrome design.

5. Brush up your knowledge and skills

Last but not least, you should always keep up with the modern trends and be in a constant practical and theoretical learning of your industry. You may have one of the best degrees on your field from the top most university and with the flying colors, but what recruiters look for is the domain knowledge, real experience and updated skills. Most people complain about the demand for experience in recruitment, but what they should do is going out there and getting whatever the experience possible and available for them. Apply for internships, reach out to programs or people that offer on-field experience if you are freshly out of college. It is important that you do not keep gaps in between your education and experience or different career choices. An undying enthusiasm is attractive; despite which industry you work for.

Once you have covered your basics, make sure you sign up with a trusted and well recognized recruitment service to avoid further waste of time. Unnanu and Unnanu for Hiring are two revolutionary mobile platforms focusing on streamlining hiring and recruitment process. It simplifies your application process by letting recruiters or hiring manager direct access to your profile — which you can include a wide scope of your educational, professional experience, certifications and other qualifications to give a detailed information and clear idea about yourself to your potential recruiters. Together, these two platforms work as a seamless, trustworthy, fast and convenient way to reach your career opportunities. Unnanu will be rolling out and be available for everyone to use really soon, and meanwhile you might want to go ahead and subscribe here.



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