New Year’s Goals for the Job Seekers

Unnanu Blog
Published in
3 min readJan 4, 2021
New Year’s Goals for the Job Seekers

After the ending of a stressful year, here comes a new year with new hopes and expectations. Welcome, 2021. At the beginning of every year, we all make our own new year’s resolutions, setting goals and aspirations to add some positive vibes to the new year. Well, if you are hoping for a new job this year, what are your new year’s resolutions? Here are some goals to help you in your search for a job in 2021!

Your resume

When did you last update your resume? If you are trying for a new job, updating your resume is one of the most important things. If it’s been a while since you wrote your resume, you may have new skills and experiences to add.

Therefore, review your resume and make the necessary updates. If you feel you are not good at it, get some help from professionals. If you are a trendspotter, creating your resume in the form of a video profile is a great way to show that you are up to date. There are easy-to-use platforms such as Unnanu, which will revolutionize your job hunt. Your profile is your online resume.

Highlight your unique professional experiences.

Online presence

Have you ever thought that your online presence can affect your dream job? Yes, it can create a huge impact. There are many channels and modes to keep your online activity. Update your LinkedIn profile. Be more professional out there. Clean up your social media, use it to grow your professional network other than to share your personal things. Tweet your professional thoughts and ideas to reach the target community. There are many other things that you can do to build your online presence. For example, if you are looking for a job in the tech industry, use platforms like Stack Overflow, GitHub, Behance, or Dribbble to present yourself. This helps you grow and meet professionals in your arena and it opens the door for a variety of opportunities.

Build a personal brand that helps you outstand the crowd and make an impression.

Define what you want

Understanding what makes you happy and satisfied is one of the most important things you should do. Define your career goals and desires, and explore the opportunities. Take a moment to think about what you need to achieve throughout this year. Get a clear idea of what you want and focus on your career search.

Focus on yourself

Apart from your professional life, be considerate of yourself. Be positive and share positive energy. Have a workout plan and maintain your mental and physical well-being. Keep learning and updating your knowledge base. Try to stay active in your career field.

If you are an employer, get started with Unnanu Hire to find the most qualified candidates.

If you are a job seeker, get started with Unnanu Talent to find the most relevant job for you. Be authentic and express yourself with our video profiles. Show your talents and experience to the most innovative companies. View Unnanu Jobs and create your free account by signing up.

If you are looking for an IT services provider, contact PMCS Services. The PMCS team would love to help you through these service contracts: ITSAC, DBITS, TIPS, Artificial Intelligence, IT Solutions, IT Consulting, and IT Staffing services.

Best of luck with all your 2021 goals.

