The Biggest Ponzi Scheme: Protect yourself

Luiggi Trejo
Published in
2 min readMar 10, 2021


Ponzi (Source)

You’ve heard of the scheme: “to rob John to pay Paul”, also known as “pyramid scheme” and it is well known due to Bernie Madoff who made disappear some 60 billion of investor´s money.

It is said that many such Ponzi schemes are born with true noble intentions: to put all that cash into the business, multiply it and repay the investors. But somewhat along the way, the non-profitable nature of the business at the core, reveals itself, and the owner, full of denial, prefers to pay the new investors with money from older investors, thus giving birth to a Ponzi Scheme.

We could say that a great number of today's most popular and recognizable corporations are supported under this premise: they are not profitable: WeWork, for example, failed from a staggering valuation north of 45 billion to almost zero, because it was a Ponzi-Esque bubble that popped when the sub-prime crisis happened.

Many other companies remain, however, that despite never showing a profit, have sky-high valuations. As many economists and analysts are arguing, this is because of the massive pump of freshly printed dollars being injected into the economy. I think this is the case, and when this massive Quantitative Easing unwinds, you better be well covered. I also believe that one of the best ways to protect yourself is looking into ways to invest in Bitcoin or some other recognized crypto asset:

So, my dear friend, Ponzi Schemes are not a thing of the past. They are here, alive and well, and one of the biggest is sponsored by the Fed itself. Protect yourself.

