Not That Kind of Fan Girl

This Fan Girl is a photographic project that changes how we picture women fans in football.

3 min readDec 10, 2017


© This Fan Girl

Professional (male) sports are an incredibly difficult institution to change. And like with every incrusted old industry, it comes riddled with malaises like nepotism, conservationism and, above all, sexism. Despite playing pivotal roles in the advancement of the sport, women in football have always been relegated to the sidelines. This is a sadly trans-national issue, ranging from the hideous comments of the Italian Federation’s ex-president Tavecchio, (We want to improve the aesthetic look of women in soccer…We thought them as handicapped (i.e. deficient) but we are seeing otherwise) to more subtle issues such as pay-equality.

Amy Drucquer and Laura Blake, both hailing from England, took the issue seriously and decided to to start portraying women differently: as fans in love with the sport, and not just as sexual trophies for the footballers. Their project This Fan Girl is a ongoing ‘photography series, aiming to capture the many faces of the female football fan’.

«The way female fans are portrayed in the media isn’t reflective of the women we see when we go to matches».

Amy and Laura are clear on their intent of disrupting standard media portrayal of women on the stands: «the way female fans are portrayed in the media isn’t reflective of the women we see when we go to matches; the ones who support their teams come rain or shine, whether they’re top of the league or facing relegation». Although female attendance in all major leagues is on the rise, they are still widely underrepresented in the footballing mediascape.

Ultimately, says Amy, their aim is to create a «better representation of female football fans, to build a community for women who love the game, and to encourage more participation. Rightly so, they believe that women should be able to experience football no differently, and take part in football conversation and work within the industry without prejudice.

The project has already awoken main and dedicated media attention, but their main satisfaction is the reaction from the women who reach out to praise their project. This is both a reward for their work and reinforcement of the need for their project, a need for inspiration and encouragement for equality at all levels. Stands or tribunes alike.

All images © This Fan Girl.

© This Fan Girl
© This Fan Girl
© This Fan Girl
© This Fan Girl
© This Fan Girl
© This Fan Girl




A printed and online publication on football and its reverberations on society and culture.