Introducing Uno Re Cohort I

Uno Re
Published in
4 min readAug 9, 2021



You’ve been a fantastic community and an integral part of Uno Re’s growth from mere vision to a real and successful product. In the next stage of our project’s development, we are excited to introduce you to Uno Re’s COHORT I and look forward to welcoming our 3 incredible partners on board.

We aim to kick-start the advent of this ecosystem by launching our first phase — The preliminary phase for Investors consists of several cohorts, with each cohort strategically designed to ensure maximum investor capital utilisation and the highest APRs.

These cohorts (or risk pools) will make investment within ‘Risk’ accessible to individuals with investment capital as little as USD500 — something that was previously impossible due to the monopoly of well-backed conglomerates and high capital requirements.

What are Cohorts?

Uno Re’s first phase is strategically divided into cohorts, with each cohort housing multiple pools. The objective of these multi-strata pools is to spread risk — each pool comprises of different types of covers and uncorrelated asset classes.

Now what are uncorrelated asset classes, you ask? — asset correlation is a measure of how investments move relative to one another — thus, in the case of uncorrelated asset classes, the relationship between various protocols in a single pool is diversified; this spreads the overall risk associated with it.

This level of diversification allows capital suppliers to be hedged and ensures that our investors are amply rewarded with premiums for being the warriors of change that the crypto space needs.


Early on in our strategizing, we realised that Insurance and Reinsurance aren’t the hottest topics in town — even with the added excitement of De-Fi, such complex subject matter is tricky to transform into a product that would not only appeal to the community, but also incite users enough to come onto the platform and learn more about the solid foundations of what we’re trying to achieve as a project.

To make sure that our very first product on the market — the Uno Re Risk Investment DApp — appeals to the young, new-age crypto user, we’ve gamified the consumer journey of investing into our risk pools.


I. Zeus — The Thunderous King of The Gods

Similar to Zeus’s mighty prowess, our very first pool will follow the bold directive of high-risk-high-reward — essentially, the Zeus Pool has slightly higher risk, but also the highest returns. This pool is for individuals who have a greater risk appetite and a more daring approach — in return, also boasts APRs of upto 25%.

II. Athena — Goddess of Knowledge and Wisdom

The Athena pool is for individuals with a good head on their shoulders, and a more medium risk appetite — ideal for investors looking to undertake median level of risk and in turn guarantee a steady stream of income with consistent returns of upto 15%.

III. Artemis — Goddess of Nurture and The Hunt

The Artemis pool is for individuals with a more modest risk appetite and newcomers looking at investing in crypto assets. It is a strategically safer option where investors may enjoy APRs of upto 10%.

As illustrated below, the Zeus pool will have the highest rates on returns, followed by the Athena pool, and lastly the Artemis pool.

An illustration of Uno Re’s COHORT I, representing the three pools and partners housed within the cohort


Our very first cohort will consist of three partners with the following covers:

Staking Pool Cover

Uno Re will provide Staking Pool Cover for a leading Oracle Provider’s LP and Single Sided Staking pools. Total Covered Amount of USD 500,000 with a sublimit of USD 10,000 per insured individual user.

This will help establish the protocol as a secure and insured investment option thus making the protocol a lucrative platform for investors.

Excess of Loss (XOL) Cover

Uno Re will offer a blanket XOL cover for a leading crypto insurance protocol. The cover of upto USD 500,000 will come into effect when a particular pool of the protocol is liquidated beyond 50% of the pool value.

The XOL cover will limit the maximum losses of the protocol upto this predetermined amount, thus significantly improving the risk profile of the insured pools as safe investment vehicles and offering better financial security to the investors and investees.

Centralized Exchange Cover

Uno Re will provide a Centralized Exchange (CEX) Cover to the world’s first global liquidity aggregator protocol against their CEX Business account for

USD 100,000 with a sublimit of USD 10,000 per insured individual user wallet.

This added layer of security makes the protocol the preferred choice for users as a one-stop solution for simplified crypto value investing.

We’re proud to say that — the combination of these varied pools with the strategic choice of included protocols ensures much higher APRs than are offered by most stable-coin pools, and combined with the security guaranteed on them by our team of world-renowned underwriters and actuaries, prove to be an all-together more superior investment option — Uno Re’s COHORT I.

Keep an eye out for what’s coming; we cannot wait to take you on this incredible journey with us!

About Uno Re

Uno Re will be the world’s first decentralized insurance and reinsurance platform powered by Polkadot, allowing the community to invest and trade in ‘risk’ and receive sizable returns on their investments in one of the safest asset classes in the world. The platform will break barriers to entry for the retail investor by doing away with the historic pre-requisite of absurdly high capital generally needed to invest into the market while also introducing much-needed transparency into the industry as a whole. Uno Re will also allow the community to propose innovative insurance products to the space, thus propelling a new generation of Insurtech companies powered by the Uno Re ecosystem.

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