About the Unofficial Economist
Hannah recently graduated from Middlebury College and is now working in Nairobi, Kenya for IDinsight. IDinsight is a non-profit that helps other development organizations make better decisions and save more lives. (There are more technical ways to explain her work, but that’s the general idea.)
Her hometown is Carrboro, North Carolina — a little hippy town attached to Chapel Hill, NC. She is passionate about using the tools of economics to evaluate anti-poverty interventions and inform development decisions. Above all else, she wants to have the greatest possible positive impact on the world in her lifetime.
Academically, she is particularly interested in development economics, behavioral economics, and the overlap of each with global health themes. Her long-term goal is to become an ~official~ economist. For now, she is working in Nairobi and learning a lot from her colleagues at IDinsight.
About This Publication
Hannah has been publishing blog posts sporadically, across different sites, for several years. She has started and abandoned many a blog in her time, and is now consolidating her disparate enterprises into this publication, which is linked to her professional/personal website.
The content will be part personal, part academic, and part just-because, spanning her wide range of interests from development economics and international aid to Settlers of Catan and Harry Potter.