Inara Koppert-Anisimova
Published in
3 min readOct 19, 2020
A robot laughing at a friend’s joke (Pinterest)

Few years ago, looking at what’s going around, I decided to dedicate myself to studying programming and AGI (Artificial General Intelligence).

I personally see myself that this language and technology will conquer the World in the coming 20 years. Or maybe I am naive and it’s going to happen earlier.

As a person, who’s first education is with a non-mathematical background, I found it enormously challenging to find a proper education. All I could hear is that they need me to have at least an engineering background.

But really, I don’t have time for getting 2 more university degrees.

I started studying coding and programming myself and discovered that it’s breathtaking for me. I see so many areas where I can apply my knowledge.

That’s why having an opportunity to study with the UNPACK AI FASTAI course program is super exciting for me: I know now that you don’t need to be a mathematical scientist to achieve success in this area.

As a beginner it takes quite much time (I spent first week for sure more than 7h as it was supposed) to understand what’s Jupyter notebook, why your code doesn’t run or GPU (graphics processing unit) not working in a way it is supposed. But life is about getting puzzle together, right?

As my husband is specializing in agriculture and biology, I hear daily about new apps recognizing plants, leaves and other stuff. It’s amazing to see now that these tasks are pretty not difficult for AI but of course time consuming and having ppl with good knowledge in a team can let you create real “market bomb” apps.

I see lots of AI implementations in medicine, biology, economy, NLP, general image recognition. With knowledge how AI works, you can see how this or that technology was developed, which is pretty amazing. You create input parameters, train your model, see validation error and continue fitting unless it becomes good enough!

What I always knew is that companies need to collect data and collect it in the right way (create proper labels). If your company has a database of product images, for instance, it is pretty easy to take an already Pretrained model and use it directly to make a product recognition app on your website or do Fine tuning to adjust it for your needs. Just be sure you have enough processing resources.

I am in the beginning of my long journey and it is very inspiring to have a huge assortment of teaching materials, articles and web platforms like Stack Overflow, ACM Digital Library or Kaggel sharing the knowledge. I believe that the AI community is one of the strongest due to the need to work not only with the code but also having the need to create. Hope these developments will stay in the right hands!

