Best International Remote Jobs

Kareem P. Jackson
Unpluggd Digital
Published in
8 min readFeb 21, 2023
Photo by Razvan Chisu on Unsplash

Working remotely would have been frowned upon by employers over two decades ago, but today, it has become prevalent in society. It is becoming more accessible even for foreigners. One can now work remotely in another country with international remote jobs.

If you want to work from home for a multinational company or explore and enjoy the freedom of working from anywhere, the smart strategy is to land international remote jobs. With the dynamic and fast-moving advancements in technology, employer attitudes, and opportunities online, it has become easy to work from anywhere.

There are now remote jobs for foreigners, work-from-home jobs, and other tasks anyone can handle online to earn some money, provided they possess the necessary skills.

Even if you haven’t considered working remotely before now, the fact that you’re still reading means it must have piqued your interest, but first, you need to understand your options to work remotely. To do that, you know there is no better place to turn if you need advice or information on online jobs or international remote jobs than here!

What are International Remote Jobs?

International remote jobs are also referred to as global occupations. Because it involves working with clients that may be residents of other countries outside your as the international remote worker, the careers in this category may include providing support services to global multinational companies or businesses that have international businesses but no office locations in those countries.

Jobs remotely done in country A while the remote worker resides in and does the work from country B are known as international remote jobs.

International remote workers are those who work virtually from another nation. Of course, working remotely is expanded to include working internationally, but doing so may provide several regulatory and operational challenges.

Graphic designers, web developers, and consultants in many sectors are popular remote professions in this industry. Depending on your job, you may have different tasks and obligations.

How Does Remote Working Differ From International Remote Jobs and Working From Home?

Working From Home

This model applies when staff members work from home rather than in an office. It typically applies to virtual assignees who work from home, but are generally expected to be operating in the same city, state or region as the main office.

Remote Working

Workers do their jobs from remote locations or cities, different from the one company they work for.

International Remote Workers

Employees work virtually from anywhere, specifically in countries different from the ones where the companies benefiting from their services are located. Although this type may come with several practical and legal challenges, it is only an extension of remote working.

Can You Work In Different Countries as a Remote Worker?

Many nations worldwide allow people to work remotely, even though they are not citizens of such nations. To stay there lawfully, you must abide by the tax and visa regulations of your selected nation. You could work with a compliance partner to sort through the requirements.

How Do International Remote Jobs Work?

There are two sorts of international remote working: virtual assignments and international flexible working or digital nomad.

A virtual assignment is when the company demands that the employee works for a foreign branch. In most cases, this entails the worker staying put at their current or home address while carrying out duties for a branch or division in another nation.

On the other hand, a digital nomad is when an employee wishes to work from a location other than the one where their position is situated.

Why You Should Go for International Remote Jobs

Cultural Interaction

The variety at work is the finest aspect of international remote employment. The team might comprise individuals with various English dialects, food preferences and lifestyles. Zoom calls may become suddenly fascinating, with so much variety. Slack channels may allow for quick transitions between work and culture.

Every team member becomes empathic and appreciative of the cultures of the other team members because of including so many cultures in the workplace.


An international remote firm is an ideal location to work if you wish to become a digital nomad. Picture yourself attending a crucial meeting with your coworkers in a distant part of the world while enjoying your preferred smoothies from a beach hut in the Maldives or wherever you are a resident. Sounds strange? If you work remotely from abroad, you can realize your desire.

Excellent Talent Pool and Networking Opportunities

Companies with employees who only work on-site are limited by their physical locations. However, international remote jobs open the door to a great talent pool and networking opportunities as they can hire people from anywhere in the world.

You can share a much wider variety of thoughts and opinions on various topics thanks to the abundance of talent in the workplace.

Money and Traveling Opportunities

Although we may all argue that we work to learn, serve the purposes for which we are employed, and have fun while at them, in the end, money is the ultimate reason we work.

Remote jobs often pay very well, since they may be lacking in other employee benefits. In addition, depending on where you choose to live/work from, you may get to enjoy much lower living expenses while still earning the same great pay.

Best International Remote Jobs

Here are some top picks for the best international remote jobs available today:

Digital Marketer

Digital marketing support is necessary for any business with a website or online presence. People in this position oversee paid ad campaigns in many companies, in addition to social media and content development. This position pays higher than a social media manager and content marketing position.

Due to financial management and the ability to “ramp up” fast once they show success, businesses may profit far more from effective advertising campaigns. The average starting salary of people in this position is $58,429 annually, making it a great option for international remote jobs.

UI/UX Designer

The UI/UX role is more complex to break into than the other roles discussed in this article. It requires training and experience, but makes for an excellent remote work position if you have the abilities.

For this role, you would only be concerned with what an online user sees while engaging with the software and website of your client’s business.

You may conduct user surveys, look at software-recorded behavior and patterns, and suggest adjustments or enhancements to help the company increase sales, keep visitors on the website for more extended periods, or accomplish any number of other objectives.

UX designers earn an average salary of $96,858 annually, making it one of the best international remote jobs.

Project Manager

Large projects are overseen by project managers, who help assign work to several individuals and teams and are in charge of the project’s overall schedule and completion.

Usually, these individuals don’t require a background in highly technical fields. This is mainly a business and people role that calls for strong organization, communication and other skills, including strategic thinking and problem-solving. According to Indeed, project managers earn an average salary of $92,399 annually.

Specific project management jobs may be remote, but not all of them. If you believe this kind of work matches your abilities and skills, it’s worth investigating. However, much will rely on the industry and firm.

Content Marketer

Nothing you do in content marketing requires your actual presence. Although the initial payment may not precisely be six figures, the average annual compensation for this remote job comes in around $57,447, making it relatively lucrative and one of the preferred international remote jobs.

Content marketing is known as the development and dissemination of material for a business, such as blog entries, videos, social media postings, and more.

Translator / Foreign Language Teacher

Online resources for teaching English as a second language are widely available. Even though no formal training is required for this position, many employers insist that you obtain a TEFL/TESOL certification.

You can try being a translator, especially if you know more than one language, especially with English included.

You can teach students of all ages, from young children to University students and adults who want to learn a new language. Although one of the most popular languages to learn is English, you may also teach other languages. Other well-liked internet activities are teaching Italian, French, and Spanish languages.

Also, this role might involve writing in many languages or converting audio content to text or documents in another language. Another area of expansion in this role is transcribing English subtitles from YouTube videos to other languages.

This position can be quite lucrative and comes with an average salary of $68,654 annually.

What Equipment is Required for International Remote Jobs?

You’ll want to check out our previous article about creating the optimal work space to make sure you have the best physical setup. While you’re at it, there is a need to also understand that there is some software you will need to do your international remote job or other work-from-home jobs effectively.

Remote working has undergone a revolution with technology and now, with the right tools, it is easier than ever to communicate with your employers and work colleagues. You can efficiently work from anywhere, provided you remain in contact with your team and employer.

For your international remote jobs, you will need the following:

  • Spreadsheet and word processing capabilities through Microsoft and/or Google Suite.
  • You can access and work from shared files and folders using cloud storage solutions software such as Google Drive, Dropbox, or Mega Drive.
  • Vital communication software such as Zoom, Google Meet, Slack, Skype, or Discord for direct messaging and video calls for meetings.
  • Also, you may need knowledge of project management software such as Airtable, Trello, ClickUp, or Asana that helps to keep all team members on track.

Where to Find International Remote Jobs

Although there are probably thousands of remote job forums available, not all post positions in other countries. Here is a list of the best websites to find some high-quality, international, remote jobs:

  • Indeed
  • Sqotty
  • Flexjobs
  • Unpluggd Jobs
  • We Work Remotely
  • Remote OK
  • Growth verse


International remote jobs are available to anyone with the necessary skill set. We hope to have provided some comprehensive information to help you find and prepare for your next international remote job.

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Kareem P. Jackson
Unpluggd Digital

I am the founder of a digital product studio, Ghost Savvy Studios....Where Innovation Meets Design