Why Saul Alvarez Is The Best Boxer At The Moment

Edwin Bustillo
Unpopular Culture
Published in
4 min readFeb 11, 2019

Saul Alvarez the proud world champion also known as Canelo. In my opinion is one of the best fighters to ever live and compete in the world of boxing. Canelo Alvarez started boxing at age 13 and thats when people started realizing his skill for this beautiful sport. His dreams to become the next Mexican super star in boxing will eventually come true after many fights and hardships.

Inspiration is very important for young athletes like Canelo, he grew up with a family who loved boxing. He took inspiration from his older brother which was the first in his family to go pro and canelo later decided to follow his foot steps but Canelo’s biggest inspiration was Julio Cesar Chavez. One of the best fighters in boxing history that fought from 1980 to 2005 winning multiple world champion titles in 3 different weight divisions. Boxing is a will known sport in Mexico and its always been that way. Julio Cesar Chavez will go down in history as one of the best Mexican fighter’s to ever live. He has fought many fights and won many battles thats why canelo Alvarez and Mexico loved Julio Cesar Chavez.

One of Canelo’s biggest moments in his career was the fight between him and Chavez Jr. Having the 2 best Mexican fighter’s in the same ring going head to head was huge in canelo’s career and for Mexican people. People only dreamed of this fight to happen and canelo was eager to prove he had what was needed to be the best in his country and what was needed to represent Mexico as a country in boxing. So this fight happened and the two great fighters disliked each other and became rivals. Chavez junior would say that canelo is not a true fighter and all his fights were easy and how he was the true Mexican champion but this didn’t seem to affect canelo.Canelo was the underdog in this fight and many people thought he would lose to Chavez Jr. Chavez Jr had a big advantage rather he was the son of Julio Cesar Chavez the boxing legend himself. In this fight Canelo had to prove that in the ring he was the best one out of the two, later that night he came out victorious becoming the next Mexican world champion super star.

Canelo now being the Mexican champion and representing Mexico in fights is his dreams coming true. He has fought many fights and is planning on fighting more. Canelo wants to become one of the greatest fighters to ever live and trains every day to make it a reality. He has the recored of 51 wins, 1 lost and a tie. One of my favorite things about canelo is how humble he is wether he wins or loses. The only lost canelo has, was against Floyd Mayweather which he is now retired from boxing. One of the best fighters to ever live with a recored of 50 wins, 0 loses and 0 ties. It was a amazing fight many people will never forget and Canelo’s reaction to the first lost to his name was calm, he said that lost made him figure out there is still so much to learn.

Canelo had it hard growing up, he grew up with his dad and his mom and six other siblings . His dad sold popsicles for a living and made all seven of his kids sell popsicles to make money and teach them hard work. Canelo was the youngest of all brothers and looked up to them as an example. Something all his brothers had in common is that they all where in boxing, most of them quit boxing after some time but only 1 of them actually stayed in boxing and went pro, he recalls one day he was training outside his house and canelo went outside and saw him training after some time he started copying all the movements he was doing. Then one night canelo told him he wanted to be just like him and his brother told him no that he was going to become better then he is. So his brother started training canelo and took him to gyms and figured he was made for the sport, hoping people would realize how good he was and sign him up for boxing was all his brother wanted. One day a owner of a gym found him and took him in as a student, Canelo learned rather really fast, within two months he became really good at boxing and went to really important competitions and won all of them. Then the doors of success open for him and went pro.

Another struggle for Canelo was that he was a shy person and would get bullied for his red hair and freckles because its something you don’t see to often in Mexico and canelo was never afraid to defend himself against from the bullies which resulted in canelo getting into many fights when he was younger. His bullies give him the name canelo with means cinnamon in spanish, somehow that name sticked with him and he still goes by it in professional boxing.

Some thing cool about Canelo are his trainers, they have been around canelo since he was 13 and just started boxing they have gone long ways from a young kid to the famous super star canelo is now. Something his trainers say is “if it doesn’t hurt it doesn’t work”. Canelo said he feels comfortable training with his trainers and consider each other family. Having good trainers make a good fighter.

Canelo has a very successful career earning a lot of money and being one of the most paid boxers and has potential on becoming one of the greatest in boxing history. He has a inspirational story, many people look up to him like the great fighters before him and like Canelo Alvarez once did also. Saul has so much more of his life to live lets see what legacy he makes for his name in the world of boxing.

