Unreal 5: How To Restart A Level In Blueprints

Michael Quinn
Unreal Coder Corner
3 min readOct 25, 2022


Restarting your level is something almost every game includes and is definitely possible with Blueprints in Unreal Engine 5. There really isn’t much else than that so lets just jump right into it.

My Current Project

So I have a very simple project that allows you to throw a ball until you are out of ammo.

Current project view

Without getting too into the details of how this works, this is my current Blueprints setup for this level.

Current level Event Graph

So what I’m going to do is setup a way to reload the scene after my ammo is not greater than 0. This is going to happen when the False flag on the branch node is triggered. Currently it just prints out a string “Out of Ammo” but we will replace that with the level restart logic.

The Steps

Step 1: Get the Open Level Node

In Blueprints there is a node called Open Level. This node will allow you to open any level you like and comes in two options. Open level by name and open level by object reference. For this example we are going to use the first option and create an Open Level by name Node.



Michael Quinn
Unreal Coder Corner

I’m a foodie and a software engineer. Unity and Unreal developer. See more at MikeQ.dev