Defunding Diversity?

Understanding President Trump’s Attack on Critical Theory

Thomas St Thomas
Unsafe Space


In a memo signed on September 4th, 2020, President Trump instructed the Director of The Office of Management and Budget to “ensure that Federal agencies cease and desist from using taxpayer dollars to fund these divisive, un-American propaganda training sessions.” The memo goes on to call out anything related to “critical race theory” or “white privilege” specifically, which is important to remember as to not be conflated with diversity discussions of any type. But why would anyone not want to learn how to be “anti-racist?” It’s because, at their core, the assumptions of training based on Critical Race Theorists posit there is no objective reality, people cannot have honest dialogue outside of competing for power, and the only way of knowing is through your experiences based on your cultural identity. They ignore or disparage any positive element of the creation of the nation and frame it as completely the work of creating a power dynamic to preserve the power of white people. There is still work to be done in the United States with race relations…



Thomas St Thomas
Unsafe Space

I’ve got questions. Writing helps me find the answers. Husband, dad, Afghan vet, healthcare process consultant, former fitness guru.