jokes are half-meant
unsaid thoughts
Published in
7 min readJul 29, 2014


Ordinarily Extraordinary

It’s close to the end of July. But sadly, I still have a few weeks to go until I get to go to college. When you have your regular classes in August while the rest of your friends had theirs in June, the world spins slowly. Sometimes, you’d feel like the world goes on without you. Without you; just to observe in a screen all the new friends, adventures, hardships, memories these people create as each day passes. You’d might feel alone. Left out. Rejected. And the only thing to do is watch them in your time-prison as they grow to be what fate decided for them.

But as I look back my unnatural 5-month summer, several ordinarily extraordinary things did happen while I was in the middle of my prison sentence. Some are simple and unimpressive to the naked eye. Others are uniquely strange experiences. And the rest are…simply memorable in its own charming, unassuming way.

And I am grateful for these experiences. All these ordinarily extraordinary memories.

1. Washing the dishes. Sadly, I’m the type of person that never did these simple chores. Spoiled, I know, but at least in my sixteen years of existence I did it once, right? But it wasn’t just washing the dishes. I did it in 2 in the morning in the middle of a house party. Why did I do such? I never knew myself. I guess let divine intervention take over.

2. Started an anonymous blog. I am an opinionated person. And through this small, but hopefully meaningful blog, I might be able to let others see my beliefs. My emotions. My biases. Though I never really wrote for the views, it is nice to see others taking the time to read something I wrote. Soon, the numbers will go up, one click at a time.

3. Influence others to write as well. They say that actions speak louder than words. But the true power of words come from its wielder, not the weapon itself. This wasn’t entirely on purpose, but a side effect of my innocent passion to write. Seeing some of my friends rekindle their passions that were tucked in a corner or witnessing some of them think, write, struggle, just to be able to express themselves, it’s a damn good feeling that I was able to become an influence for them.

4. Started drafting my own book. It was always a dream of mine that before I’d graduate college, I have already written a manuscript for a novel. This summer had been a crucial step. Cheers to plenty of “it’s still in a very rough draft” and “I’m having writer’s block”, hopefully all before I quit the chalkboard life for good.

5. Learned how to drive-and survive. Driving- a step towards freedom. I looked forward for long, summer nights driving with some of my closest friends. Or spontaneous adventures in the middle of the day. Or even going to and fro from various locations just for no reasons. But not this summer though. But finally learning how to drive, however, is the start of some beautiful memories. Like others, I was nervous. I was hesitant. I was afraid. But somehow, I managed to get off the car multiple times in one piece. And most importantly, the car did so as well.

6. Climbed an active volcano-and survived. It’s no joke climbing the steep slopes of a volcano. And it’s no joke that it took me three and a half hours to do so. And it is especially not a joke when all of that was happening during an alert was raised by the authorities. But it was worth the sore feet, creaky ankles, and sweat-slicked shirt. Atop is a beautiful observatory, fresh winds and a breathtaking scenery.

7. Lost 20 pounds-and survived. As a fat boy, this is an immensely amazing achievement. Although it took me most of my time and I got slightly, if not dramatically, crazy and ticked off most of the time, it’s nice seeing old clothes fit, feeling lighter, and become generally happier with myself. If I can just keep myself from those deadly cheat days. Hmm…

8. Attacked a chocolate cake in the middle of the night. In line with my strict weight loss regime, I ironically attacked a cake in my weakest, most vulnerable moment. What made it so memorable aside it’s heavenly, sinfully-sweet escapade is the friends I shared it with. Trading several bites of cake for even more sentimental value is not a bad deal. Imagine sneaking past the guards and teaches, hiding in a classroom, spreading a blanket, and simply assault the cake. The jokes and curses about how amazing the dessert was didn’t hurt one bit. Simply one of my favorite summer memory.

9. Walked in on a couple in a waterpark bathroom. I was the wrong person at the wrong time. Walking in on a couple doing their business may be traumatizing to some, but to me, it is oddly a symbol of a legendary time at the waterpark. Friends, thrilling slides, and a day of sun (which I decided not to hate just for that occasion). It was an amazing memory. And it was also the day a couple learned to use a lock.

10. Got my unrealized dreams crushed. It hurts to get your hopes up, only to let yourself down. But it is another thing to realize your dreams the moment it was already destroyed. What’s more embarrassing? It was in front of two hundred people. I never knew I always wanted to graduate high school with a position or honorable mention. And at the fateful day of announcement, it hurt. But also on that moment, I realized I was genuinely happy to those who achieved what I never did. And I broke down in tears…not of pity for myself, but of pride of those who did.

11. Graduated. From the boring speeches to the smiles of triumph, graduation day will always be a memorable day. It will also be memorable because it was the outcome of three weeks practicing and getting yelled at and tired days. Three weeks in preparation for this particular milestone. Final exams aside.

12. My bitter-sweet sixteen. What made it bitter: nobody celebrated it. What made it sweet: except for my best friend. Strangely, it was also the day I tried, and inevitably get addicted to twitter. Nobody was home. Nobody was anywhere. Thank God for best friends, right? I was grateful for this day. The day I realized that I am growing up and some birthdays will go uncelebrated. It was also the day I discovered a true friend. A somebody worth keeping.

13. Made an online friend through the tragedy of another. When people would ask how the two of us met, many others will be typical: being classmates, neighbors, or what ever mundane tasks that form friendships. But what made this friendship ordinary is that it was online. But what made it unique is through the sad experiences of a mutual friend. Through coincidences and the innate passion for writing, a great taste in books, and a mutual friend, an unlikely bonding was formed. And it was also 1:30 in the morning.

14. Read fourteen books. From cheesy horror to heartbreaking romance, pages from these books did not go unread. I always see books as an alternate reality. Through the character’s experiences, mine expands. Through the running plot, an instinct was strengthened. Through my tired eyes, stories of zombies and break-ups and dystopian societies and love just became realer. Truer. In my mind. I even got a cool room rearrangement and bookshelf out of it.

15. Enroll in my dream university in my dream program. Everything about this college is challenging. From its entrance exam up to enrollment, it was a heck of an effort. It took two days of waiting just to enroll. I guess this is my initiation? The long lines? The endless waiting? The hellish temperature? But this is what I signed up for. I just hope I belong. But this is my dream nonetheless.

16. Stayed close with all my best friends. From childhood friends to the slightly-psychic, mean girls-esque girls, I was able to stay in touch with them. Had fun with them. And even got a lot closer. All sixteen of my closest friends. A great thing about it is that I never knew how many I had until recently. But it is sad that I got to know them, bond with them, and realized how important they are just when we all went in our separate ways. It took some effort, but all in the name of a good time and an even better memory with them.

17. And finally, I fell in love. All of those memories were under the pretense that I was in love. I decided to place this final one at the bottom because at the end of each day, I was in love with this slightly crazy, amazingly sweet, totally unassuming person. The hows and the whys are a different story, but it one hell of a rollercoaster. The euphoric highs and the crushing lows were filled with such intensity, this experience itself can make itself an amazing summer. And the best part? All of the experience without the mess of it all.

So yeah. Just your typical summer.

