Stories from the UnSchool: Meet Alex Sinopah Duran

The UnSchool
UnSchool Alumni


The UnSchool Emerging Leaders Fellowship alumni community is filled with incredible boundary-pushing change agents who are working in diverse and divergent ways around the world. In this series, we interviewed a few alumni from our June 2016 São Paulo adventure to hear more about their UnSchool experience and see what they’re up to now.

Meet Alex, 25, who was born and raised in the beautiful San Francisco Bay Area. He currently lives and attends school in San Jose, California.

What do you do?
I’m in my last semester at SJSU studying design, with a focus in product design. I’m also working to support myself, and I just started an internship doing some branding/design/marketing for a lifestyle clothing company (

Why did you come to the UnSchool?
I came to the Unschool looking for my tribe (and I found it ;]). I wanted to meet extraordinary people and learn powerful tools and insights that would assist me in reaching my ultimate goal- to become a catalyst for a cultural shift to a richer human experience that is in harmony with our humanity and the world we inhabit.

What did you get out of it?
I got that and more. I had the privilege of creating deep and genuine relationships with some truly incredible agents of change, as well as some incredibly dense training. But the gift I was really surprised with was the amazing experience of being submerged in the rich and beautiful culture of Sao Paulo. I didn’t anticipate such an eye-opening, world-expanding experience.

What are you working on now?
Right now I am most focused on finishing school. After that my focus will be on establishing a flexible, semi-automated revenue stream to replace my day job, so that I can support myself and fund my passion projects- which will probably have something to do with design and habit (re)formation and/or personal growth of some kind. =)

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The UnSchool
UnSchool Alumni

The UnSchool of Disruptive Design, an experimental knowledge lab for creative rebels and change agents. We pop-up around the world to activate positive change